242. Valid Anagram - Detailed Explanation

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Problem Statement

Given two strings s and t, return true if t is an anagram of s, and false otherwise.

An anagram is a word or phrase formed by rearranging the letters of a different word or phrase, using all the original letters exactly once.


Example 1:


s = "anagram", t = "nagaram"



The letters in "anagram" can be rearranged to form "nagaram", so they are anagrams.

Example 2:


s = "rat", t = "car"



The letters in "rat" cannot be rearranged to form "car", so they are not anagrams.

Example 3:


s = "aacc", t = "ccac"



Both words have the same set of characters, but their counts do not match (two "a"s in s vs. one "a" in t).


  • 1 <= s.length, t.length <= 5 * 10^4
  • s and t consist of lowercase English letters.


What if the inputs contain Unicode characters? How would you adapt your solution?

Hints to Guide the Thought Process

  1. Sorting Approach:

    • If two words are anagrams, they contain the same letters in the same frequency.
    • Sorting the strings will put identical letters in the same order.
    • If the sorted versions of both strings are equal, they are anagrams.
  2. Frequency Count Approach (HashMap or Array):

    • Instead of sorting, we can count the occurrences of each letter in both strings.
    • If the letter frequencies match, the strings are anagrams.
  3. Optimized One-Pass Counting:

    • Since the strings consist only of lowercase English letters (a-z), we can use a fixed-size array of length 26 instead of a hash map for counting.
  4. Handling Unicode Characters (Follow-up Question):

    • If the input contains Unicode characters (not just a-z), we should use a hash map (dictionary in Python, HashMap in Java) instead of an array.

Approach 1: Sorting the Strings


  • Sort both s and t and compare them.
  • If they are anagrams, sorting them will result in the same string.


  1. Convert both s and t into lists of characters.
  2. Sort both lists.
  3. Compare if they are identical.

Time and Space Complexity:

  • Sorting takes O(n log n) time.
  • Storing sorted strings requires O(n) space.

Python Code:


. . . .

Java Code:


. . . .

Why this works:

Sorting arranges the letters in order. If two strings contain the same characters in the same frequency, their sorted versions will be identical.


  • Sorting takes O(n log n) time, which is slower than O(n) frequency-based approaches.
  • Extra space is needed to store sorted versions.

Approach 2: Using Hash Map (Frequency Counting)


  • Count the occurrences of each letter in s and t using a hash map (dictionary).
  • If both maps are identical, t is an anagram of s.


  1. Check if the lengths of s and t are different. If so, return false.
  2. Create a frequency dictionary for s and another for t.
  3. Compare the frequency dictionaries.

Time and Space Complexity:

  • O(n) time: We traverse s and t once.
  • O(n) space: We store the character counts.

Python Code:


. . . .

Java Code:


. . . .

Why this works:

  • We count characters efficiently in O(n) time.
  • Using a hash map makes it flexible for Unicode characters.


  • Uses extra space for the hash map (O(n) space).

Approach 3: Using an Array (Optimized Counting)


  • Since s and t contain only lowercase English letters (a-z), we can use an array of size 26 instead of a hash map.


  1. Check if s and t have different lengths. If so, return false.
  2. Create an array count[26] initialized to zero.
  3. Increment values for characters in s, decrement for t.
  4. If the final count array contains only zeros, t is an anagram of s.

Time and Space Complexity:

  • O(n) time: We traverse s and t once.
  • O(1) space: The array size is fixed (26).

Python Code:


. . . .

Java Code:


. . . .

Why this works:

  • Uses a fixed size O(1) array instead of a hash map.
  • Efficient O(n) time complexity.


  • Limited to lowercase English letters (a-z).

Summary of Approaches

ApproachTime ComplexitySpace ComplexityNotes
Sorting (sorted() or Arrays.sort())O(n log n)O(n)Simple, but not the fastest
Hash Map (Counter() or HashMap)O(n)O(n)Works for Unicode characters
Fixed-Size Array (count[26])O(n)O(1)Fastest for a-z letters

Edge Cases to Consider

  1. Different lengths (len(s) != len(t)) → Return false immediately.
  2. Same characters but different counts (s = "aacc", t = "ccac") → Not an anagram.
  3. Empty strings (s = "", t = "") → Should return true.
  4. Large inputs (s and t close to 5 * 10^4 length) → Use the O(n) methods (hash map or array) instead of sorting.

Follow-up: Unicode Support

  • The array solution (count[26]) does NOT work for Unicode characters.
  • Use a HashMap<Character, Integer> (Java) or Counter() (Python) to support Unicode.

Best Approach

  • For English lowercase letters (a-z): Use the array approach (O(n), O(1) space).
  • For general Unicode text: Use the hash map approach (O(n), O(n) space).

Relevant Problems

  1. Group Anagrams
  2. Find All Anagrams in a String
  3. Longest Palindrome by Rearranging Letters
  4. Check if Two Strings Are Close
  5. Ransom Note
  6. Minimum Steps to Make Two Strings Anagram
  7. Isomorphic Strings
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