Grokking the Engineering Manager Coding Interview

Your ultimate guide to successfully acing Engineering Manager coding interviews.
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Course Overview

Are you preparing for a coding interview to land an engineering manager role at a top tech company? If so, Grokking the Engineering Manager Coding Interview is crafted to give you the edge you need. With a focus on mastering essential data structures and proven coding patterns, this course will equip you to solve problems quickly and effectively. You'll find easy-to-understand explanations, practical examples, and a structured approach to tackling coding problems commonly faced during technical interviews.

Don't let coding hurdles stand in your way as you move toward a leadership position. This course is designed to help you stay sharp on fundamental concepts while developing the problem-solving skills that set successful managers apart. Dive in, practice with real-world problems, and build the confidence you need to ace your interview and secure your engineering management dream job. Let's get started!

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Course Content
11 Chapters • 119 Lessons
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Course Overview
12 lessons
Introduction to Arrays
Arrays in Different Programming Languages
Running Sum of 1d Array (easy)
Solution: Running Sum of 1d Array
Find the Highest Altitude (easy)
Solution: Find the Highest Altitude
Array Transformation (easy)
Solution: Array Transformation
Minimum Increment to Make Array Unique (medium)
Solution: Minimum Increment to Make Array Unique
Maximum Gap (medium)
Solution: Maximum Gap
Introduction to Hashing
Introduction to Hash Tables
Issues with Hash Tables
First Non-repeating Character (easy)
Solution: First Non-repeating Character (easy)
Largest Unique Number (easy)
Solution: Largest Unique Number (easy)
Subarray Sum Equals K (medium)
Solution: Subarray Sum Equals K
Least Number of Unique Integers after K Removals (medium)
Solution: Least Number of Unique Integers after K Removals
Minimum Number of Steps to Make Two Strings Anagram (medium)
Solution: Minimum Number of Steps to Make Two Strings Anagram
Introduction to Stack
Operations on Stack
Implementing Stack Data Structure
Applications of Stack
Balanced Parentheses (easy)
Solution: Balanced Parentheses
Reverse a String (easy)
Solution: Reverse a String
Decimal to Binary Conversion (medium)
Solution: Decimal to Binary Conversion
Daily Temperatures (medium)
Solution: Daily Temperatures
Evaluate Reverse Polish Notation (medium)
Solution: Evaluate Reverse Polish Notation
Introduction to Queues
Working with Simple Queues
Diving Deeper – Circular Queues and Deques
Applications and Advanced Concepts
Reverse a Queue (easy)
Solution: Reverse a Queue
Implement Stack using Queues (easy)
Solution: Implement Stack using Queues
Zigzag Iterator (medium)
Solution: Zigzag Iterator
Continuous Subarrays (medium)
Solution: Continuous Subarrays
Sum of Subarray Minimums (medium)
Solution: Sum of Subarray Minimums
Introduction to HashSets
Counting Elements (easy)
Solution: Counting Elements
Jewels and Stones (easy)
Solution: Jewels and Stones
Unique Number of Occurrences (easy)
Solution: Unique Number of Occurrences (easy)
Determine if Two Strings Are Close (medium)
Solution: Determine if Two Strings Are Close
Longest Consecutive Sequence (medium)
Solution: Longest Consecutive Sequence
Introduction to Two Pointers Pattern
Squaring a Sorted Array (easy)
Solution: Squaring a Sorted Array
Triplet Sum to Zero (medium)
Solution: Triplet Sum to Zero
Quadruple Sum to Target (medium)
Solution: Quadruple Sum to Target
Dutch National Flag Problem (medium)
Solution: Dutch National Flag Problem
Triplets with Smaller Sum (medium)
Solution: Triplets with Smaller Sum
Introduction to Sliding Window Pattern
Smallest Subarray With a Greater Sum (easy)
Solution: Smallest Subarray With a Greater Sum
Longest Substring with K Distinct Characters (medium)
Solution: Longest Substring with K Distinct Characters
Longest Substring with Same Letters after Replacement (hard)
Solution: Longest Substring with Same Letters after Replacement
Smallest Window containing Substring (hard)
Solution: Smallest Window containing Substring
Introduction to Tree Breadth First Search Pattern
Introduction to Tree Depth First Search Pattern
All Paths for a Sum (medium)
Solution: All Paths for a Sum
Path With Given Sequence (medium)
Solution: Path With Given Sequence
Tree Diameter (medium)
Solution: Tree Diameter
All Nodes Distance K in Binary Tree (medium)
Solution: All Nodes Distance K in Binary Tree
Even Odd Tree (medium)
Solution: Even Odd Tree
Introduction to Island Pattern
Number of Islands (easy)
Solution: Number of Islands
Biggest Island (easy)
Solution: Biggest Island
Number of Closed Islands (easy)
Solution: Number of Closed Islands
Walls and Gates (medium)
Solution: Walls and Gates
Shortest Path in a Grid with Obstacles Elimination (hard)
Solution: Shortest Path in a Grid with Obstacles Elimination
Introduction to Greedy Algorithm
Valid Palindrome II (easy)
Solution: Valid Palindrome II
Maximum Length of Pair Chain (medium)
Solution: Maximum Length of Pair Chain
Remove Duplicate Letters (medium)
Solution: Remove Duplicate Letters
Largest Palindromic Number (medium)
Solution: Largest Palindromic Number
Meeting Rooms II (medium)
Solution: Meeting Rooms II
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