Grokking Python Fundamentals
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Your First Python Program
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What You've Learned

Welcome to your first step in Python programming! In this lesson, you'll write a simple program that displays the message "Hello, World!" on your screen. This traditional first program is an excellent way for beginners to test their setup and get comfortable with basic Python syntax.



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  • The print() function is used in Python to output information to the console. Here, it is used to print the string "Hello, World!".
    • print("Hello, World!") — This command tells Python to display the text inside the quotation marks.

What You've Learned

  • Basic Syntax: You've used the print() function, which is a fundamental aspect of Python for displaying output.
  • String Handling: The text "Hello, World!" is a string, a type of data in Python that is used for representing text.

Congratulations on running your first Python program! This simple exercise introduces you to writing and executing Python code, setting the foundation for more complex programming tasks ahead.

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What You've Learned