Arslan Ahmad

How To Pass the Google System Design Interview as a Non-Programmer

Learn the techniques of passing the Google System Design Interview without Programming Skills

Passing the Google system design interview can be challenging, especially if you do not have extensive distributed systems experience.

However, it is possible to succeed by knowing the process, understanding key concepts, preparing effectively, and learning from others' experiences.

In this blog, we will provide practical tips, a complete structure, common interview questions, and real stories from those who have passed the Google System Design interview.

Understanding the Google System Design Interview

The Google system design interview is a crucial part of the hiring process for roles such as software engineers, product managers, and technical leads.

It evaluates your ability to design large-scale systems, focusing on scalability, reliability, and efficiency.

They look for how you approach problems, your understanding of scalable systems, and your communication skills.

You don't need to write code, but you do need to think logically and explain your ideas clearly.

Here’s what you can expect during the interview:

Structure of the Interview

  1. Introduction and Warm-Up:
  • The interviewer will introduce themselves and give a brief overview of the interview process.

  • They might ask you some basic questions to get you comfortable and warmed up.

  1. Problem Statement:
  • You will be given a system design problem to solve. This could range from designing a URL shortening service to building the backend for a social media platform.

  • The problem statement will be open-ended, allowing you to showcase your creativity and problem-solving skills.

  1. Clarifying Questions:
  • You should ask clarifying questions to fully understand the requirements and constraints of the problem. This shows your ability to think critically and gather necessary information.
  1. Design Phase:
  • You will start by outlining your approach to solving the problem.

  • Use a whiteboard or paper to draw diagrams that illustrate your design. Focus on high-level components and how they interact.

  • Explain your design choices, considering aspects like data flow, storage, processing, and user interaction.

  1. Going Deep into Components:
  • The interviewer may ask you to go deeper into specific components of your design. For example, how you would handle database sharding or ensure data consistency. Be prepared to discuss trade-offs and alternative solutions.

  • Learn about the system design trade-offs.

  1. Handling Scale:
  • You will need to explain how your system can handle increasing load. Discuss techniques for load balancing, caching, and distributing data across multiple servers.

  • Show your understanding of scalability and performance optimization.

  • Learn more about these concepts in the system design guide.

  1. Reliability and Maintenance:
  • Discuss how your design ensures reliability and availability. Explain how you would handle failures and recover from them.

  • Consider aspects like data backups, redundancy, and monitoring.

  1. Wrap-Up:
  • Summarize your design and highlight its strengths.

  • Be ready to answer any final questions from the interviewer and discuss potential improvements.

  • Find the complete model of the system design interviews.

Key System Design Concepts You Must Know

To succeed in a system design interview, it's crucial to understand several fundamental concepts. These concepts help you design scalable, reliable, and efficient systems.

Here's a breakdown of the key concepts you should know:

1. Scalability

The ability of a system to handle increased load by adding resources.

Key Points:

  • Vertical Scaling: Adding more power (CPU, RAM) to an existing machine.
  • Horizontal Scaling: Adding more machines to handle the load.


  • Load balancers distributing traffic across multiple servers.
  • Database partitioning to distribute data across different nodes.

2. Load Balancing

Distributing incoming network traffic across multiple servers.

Key Points:

  • Types of Load Balancers: Hardware, software, and DNS load balancers.
  • Techniques: Round-robin, least connections, IP hash.


  • Using a load balancer to ensure no single server is overwhelmed.

3. Caching

Storing copies of data in a temporary storage location to reduce access time.

Key Points:

  • Types: In-memory caches (like Redis, Memcached), CDN caches.
  • Strategies: Cache invalidation, cache eviction policies (LRU, FIFO).


  • Storing frequently accessed data in a cache to reduce database load.

4. Database Management

Techniques to store, retrieve, and manage data in databases.

Key Points:

  • SQL vs NoSQL: Relational databases (SQL) vs. non-relational databases (NoSQL).
  • Data Partitioning: Sharding for distributing data across multiple databases.
  • Replication: Creating copies of data to ensure availability and fault tolerance.


  • Using a SQL database for transactions and a NoSQL database for storing user sessions.

5. Consistency, Availability, and Partition Tolerance (CAP Theorem)

Trade-offs between consistency, availability, and partition tolerance in a distributed system.

Key Points:

  • Consistency: Every read receives the most recent write.
  • Availability: Every request receives a response, without guarantee of the latest write.
  • Partition Tolerance: The system continues to operate despite network partitions.


  • Choosing between a consistent or available system based on the use case.

6. Data Replication

Copying data across multiple machines to ensure reliability and fault tolerance.

Key Points:

  • Synchronous vs Asynchronous Replication: Immediate vs delayed replication.
  • Master-Slave vs Multi-Master: One primary write node vs multiple write nodes.


  • Using master-slave replication to ensure read scalability and data backup.

7. Message Queues

A communication method for exchanging information between distributed systems.

Key Points:

  • Types: RabbitMQ, Kafka, AWS SQS.
  • Use Cases: Decoupling services, handling asynchronous processes, load leveling.


  • Using a message queue to manage background tasks and ensure smooth processing.

8. Microservices

An architectural style where an application is composed of small, independent services.

Key Points:

  • Benefits: Scalability, maintainability, fault isolation.
  • Challenges: Service discovery, inter-service communication, data consistency.


  • Breaking a monolithic application into microservices for better scalability.

9. Content Delivery Network (CDN)

A network of distributed servers that deliver web content to users based on their geographic location.

Key Points:

  • Benefits: Reduced latency, improved load times, lower bandwidth costs.
  • Mechanism: Caching static content closer to the user's location.


  • Using a CDN to serve images and videos to users across the globe.

10. Security and Authentication

Measures to protect data and ensure that users are who they claim to be.

Key Points:

  • Techniques: OAuth, JWT, SSL/TLS.
  • Principles: Least privilege, encryption, regular security audits.


  • Implementing OAuth for secure user authentication and authorization.

11. Monitoring and Logging

Tracking and recording system performance and behaviors.

Key Points:

  • Tools: Prometheus, Grafana, ELK Stack (Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana).
  • Metrics: System uptime, error rates, request latency.


  • Setting up monitoring to track system health and quickly identify issues.

12. Fault Tolerance and Disaster Recovery

Designing systems to continue operating despite failures and ensuring quick recovery from disasters.

Key Points:

  • Techniques: Redundancy, automated failover, regular backups.
  • Plans: Disaster recovery plans outlining steps to restore normal operations.


  • Implementing automated failover to ensure continuous service during server failures.

Discover the 4 pillars of system design.

Common Questions Asked at Google’s System Design Interview

Google's system design interviews are known for their open-ended questions that test your ability to design large-scale systems. Here are some common questions you might encounter:

1. Design a URL Shortener (like

  • Problem Statement: Design a system that converts long URLs into short, unique URLs.
  • Key Points to Address:
    • Database schema to store original and shortened URLs.
    • Algorithm to generate unique short URLs.
    • Handling high traffic and ensuring scalability.
    • Dealing with potential collisions in short URL generation.
    • Expiration and deletion of short URLs.

Find a complete solution to design a URL shortener.

2. Design a Social Media Feed System

  • Problem Statement: Design the backend for generating and updating a user's feed in real-time.

  • Key Points to Address:

    • Data storage for posts, likes, comments, and user interactions.

    • Real-time updates and notifications.

    • Efficient retrieval of feed data.

    • Handling large volumes of user data and interactions.

    • Personalization and ranking of feed content.

3. Design a Ride-Sharing Service (like Uber)

  • Problem Statement: Create the backend system for a ride-sharing app.

  • Key Points to Address:

    • User and driver matching algorithm.

    • Real-time location tracking.

    • Pricing and fare calculation.

    • Data storage for trips, user profiles, and driver ratings.

    • Scalability to handle peak usage times.

4. Design a Scalable Web Crawler

  • Problem Statement: Build a web crawler that can efficiently index the web.

  • Key Points to Address:

    • Mechanism for discovering and visiting URLs.

    • Data storage for indexed pages and metadata.

    • Handling duplicate content and respecting robots.txt.

    • Scalability to handle large volumes of web data.

    • Ensuring the crawler is polite and does not overload servers.

5. Design an Online Store (like Amazon)

  • Problem Statement: Design the backend system for an e-commerce website.

  • Key Points to Address:

    • Product catalog management.

    • User authentication and authorization.

    • Shopping cart and order management.

    • Payment processing and transaction handling.

    • Handling high traffic during sales and promotions.

6. Design a Video Streaming Service (like YouTube)

  • Problem Statement: Build the backend for a video streaming platform.

  • Key Points to Address:

    • Storage and retrieval of video files.

    • Streaming protocols and buffering techniques.

    • User recommendations and personalized content.

    • Handling live streaming and concurrent viewers.

    • Ensuring content delivery network (CDN) integration.

7. Design a Messaging System (like WhatsApp)

  • Problem Statement: Create a scalable messaging system.

  • Key Points to Address:

    • Real-time message delivery.

    • User authentication and privacy.

    • Data storage for messages and media.

    • Handling offline users and message queues.

    • Ensuring end-to-end encryption.

How To Answer Google System Design Interview Questions Effectively

Passing a system design interview at Google as a non-programmer requires a clear understanding of fundamental concepts and effective communication skills.

Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you navigate these interviews successfully.

1. Understand the Problem

Key Points:

  • Carefully listen to the problem statement.

  • Ask clarifying questions to fully understand the requirements and constraints.

Example: For a URL shortener system:

  • What is the expected volume of URLs to be shortened?
  • Should the shortened URLs have a specific format?
  • Are there any constraints on the speed of retrieval?

2. Break Down the System

Key Points:

  • Divide the system into major components or modules.
  • Explain the role of each component in simple terms.

Example: For a URL shortener:

  • User Interface: Where users input and retrieve URLs.

  • Shortening Service: Generates unique short URLs.

  • Database: Stores original and shortened URLs.

  • Redirection Service: Redirects users from short URLs to original URLs.

3. Use Analogies and Real-World Examples

Key Points:

  • Use simple analogies to explain technical concepts.
  • Relate components to real-world objects or scenarios.


  • Compare the database to a library where books (URLs) are stored.
  • The URL shortener can be likened to a librarian who gives a unique ID (short URL) for each book.

4. Focus on High-Level Design

Key Points:

  • Concentrate on the architecture and interaction between components.
  • Avoid deep technical details or coding specifics.


  • Describe how the user interface sends a URL to the shortening service.

  • Explain how the shortening service generates a unique ID and stores it in the database.

  • Discuss how the redirection service looks up the original URL when a short URL is accessed.

5. Explain Scalability

Key Points:

  • Discuss how the system can handle increased traffic and data.
  • Mention techniques like load balancing and data partitioning.


  • For high traffic, use multiple servers to handle requests (load balancing).
  • Store URLs across different databases to manage large volumes of data (data partitioning).

6. Consider Reliability and Maintenance

Key Points:

  • Address how the system will remain reliable and available.
  • Discuss regular maintenance and updates.


  • Implement data backups to recover from database failures.
  • Use redundancy to ensure that if one server fails, others can take over.

7. Use Diagrams

Key Points:

  • Draw simple diagrams to illustrate your design.
  • Visual aids help explain your thought process clearly.


  • A flowchart showing the process from URL input to storage and retrieval.
  • A high-level diagram depicting components and their interactions.

8. Discuss Trade-Offs and Alternatives

Key Points:

  • Explain the trade-offs in your design choices.
  • Consider alternative solutions and their pros and cons.


  • Discuss the trade-off between the speed of URL generation and the complexity of ensuring uniqueness.
  • Consider alternative storage solutions like NoSQL databases vs. traditional SQL databases.

9. Practice Communication

Key Points:

  • Practice explaining your ideas clearly and concisely.
  • Use simple language and avoid technical jargon.


  • Practice with a friend or in front of a mirror.
  • Record yourself explaining a system design and review it to improve clarity.

10. Learn from Real Experiences

Key Points:

  • Read about the experiences of others who have gone through the interview.
  • Learn from their strategies and mistakes.


  • John, a project manager, succeeded by focusing on explaining his thought process and using real-world analogies.
  • Sara, a product manager, leveraged her practical experience in managing large projects to relate to system design concepts.

Real Experiences of Non-Programmers Who Passed Google System Design Interviews

Passing the Google system design interview as a non-programmer can seem daunting, but there are several success stories that highlight effective strategies.

Here are a few stories and the approaches these individuals used to succeed:

Story 1: John (Project Manager)


John had a background in project management with no formal programming education.

He had experience in managing software development projects but lacked hands-on coding skills.

Strategies Used:

  1. Focus on Understanding Over Implementation:
  • John concentrated on understanding the core concepts of system design, such as scalability, reliability, and efficiency.

  • He used online resources like blogs, videos, and courses that explained these concepts in layman's terms.

  1. Utilizing Analogies:
  • John used real-world analogies to explain his ideas during the interview. For example, he compared load balancing to a restaurant where a host directs customers to different tables to ensure even service.

  • This approach helped him convey complex ideas without getting into technical jargon.

  1. Effective Communication:
  • He practiced explaining his thought process clearly and concisely. He used whiteboards to draw diagrams and illustrate his points during mock interviews.

  • John’s ability to communicate effectively and his structured approach impressed the interviewers.

  1. Relating to Past Experiences:
  • John drew on his project management experience, explaining how he had dealt with similar challenges in real-world scenarios.

  • He discussed how he managed large projects, focusing on scalability and resource optimization, which are critical in system design.


John passed the interview by demonstrating a solid understanding of system design principles and excellent communication skills.

Story 2: Sara (Product Manager)


Sara had a background in product management, where she often worked with engineering teams but did not code herself.

She had a strong understanding of user needs and system requirements.

Strategies Used:

  1. Get into System Design Basics:
  • Sara spent time learning the fundamentals of system design, including databases, caching, and load balancing. She used simplified resources tailored for non-programmers.

  • She ensured she understood the high-level concepts without getting bogged down in technical details.

  1. Practical Application:
  • Sara related system design problems to her experience in product management. She discussed how she had tackled large-scale projects, focusing on user needs and system efficiency.

  • She used examples from her past work to explain how she approached problem-solving and system optimization.

  1. Asking the Right Questions:
  • During the interview, Sara asked clarifying questions to fully understand the problem before diving into her solution. This showed her analytical thinking and thoroughness.

  • She broke down the problem into smaller, manageable parts and addressed each component systematically.

  1. Mock Interviews and Feedback:
  • Sara practiced with mock interviews, seeking feedback from peers and mentors. She refined her approach based on their input, focusing on areas where she could improve.

  • This practice helped her gain confidence and improve her ability to articulate her ideas clearly.


Sara successfully passed the interview by showcasing her understanding of system design and her ability to relate technical concepts to practical applications.

Story 3: Alex (Business Analyst)

Background: Alex was a business analyst with a strong analytical background but no coding experience.

He had worked closely with engineering teams and understood the business side of system requirements.

Strategies Used:

  1. Understanding User Needs and System Requirements:
  • Alex emphasized his understanding of user needs and how they translate into system requirements. He discussed how he gathered and analyzed user data to inform system design decisions.

  • This approach helped him connect the technical aspects of system design with real-world user needs.

  1. Simplified Learning Resources:
  • Alex used simplified resources like “System Design for Beginners” courses and books that explained technical concepts in an easy-to-understand manner.

  • He focused on grasping the essential principles without going into programming details.

  1. Effective Use of Diagrams:
  • Alex relied heavily on diagrams to explain his ideas during the interview. He used flowcharts and system architecture diagrams to illustrate how different components interact.

  • Visual aids helped him communicate his thought process clearly and made it easier for the interviewers to follow his logic.

  1. Cross-Functional Collaboration:
  • Alex highlighted his experience working with cross-functional teams, explaining how he facilitated communication between business and engineering teams.

  • He demonstrated his ability to bridge the gap between technical and non-technical stakeholders, a crucial skill in system design.


Alex passed the interview by effectively combining his analytical skills, understanding of user needs, and ability to communicate complex ideas simply.

Tips for Clearing Google System Design Interview

  1. Study Basic Concepts: Learn the fundamentals of system design. There are plenty of resources online that explain these concepts in simple terms.

  2. Practice Problem-Solving: Use real-world problems to practice designing systems. Explain your solutions to others or use a whiteboard to sketch out your ideas.

  3. Learn from Others: Read about the experiences of people who have gone through the interview. Understand what worked for them and what challenges they faced.

  4. Communicate Clearly: Be prepared to explain your thought process step-by-step. Use simple language and visual aids to make your points clear.

  5. Focus on High-Level Design: You don't need to know the nitty-gritty details of coding. Instead, focus on the big picture and how different components of a system interact.

Discover the Google System Design Interview tips and tricks.

Final Words

Passing the Google system design interview as a non-programmer is achievable with the right preparation and mindset.

You need to focus on understanding key concepts, practice solving real-world problems, and learn from others' experiences.

Clear communication and a solid grasp of system design principles will help you succeed.

System Design Interview
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