What kind of coding questions are asked in an interview?
In coding interviews, questions typically test your problem-solving skills, understanding of algorithms, and knowledge of data structures. Here’s an overview of the common types of coding questions you might encounter:
1. Array and String Manipulation
- Find the missing number in an array of integers.
- Check if two strings are anagrams.
- Rotate an array by k positions.
Why They’re Asked
To test your ability to manipulate data and work with fundamental structures.
2. Sorting and Searching Algorithms
- Implement quicksort or mergesort.
- Search for a target element in a rotated sorted array.
- Find the first and last position of a target in a sorted array (binary search).
Why They’re Asked
To evaluate your understanding of efficiency and algorithmic thinking.
3. Dynamic Programming
- Solve the knapsack problem.
- Find the longest increasing subsequence.
- Compute the minimum cost path in a grid.
Why They’re Asked
To test your ability to break down complex problems and optimize solutions.
4. Linked Lists
- Detect a cycle in a linked list.
- Merge two sorted linked lists.
- Reverse a linked list.
Why They’re Asked
To assess your understanding of pointer manipulation and memory handling.
5. Trees and Graphs
- Traverse a binary tree (in-order, pre-order, post-order).
- Find the shortest path in a graph (e.g., Dijkstra's algorithm).
- Check if a binary tree is balanced.
Why They’re Asked
To evaluate your knowledge of hierarchical and connected data structures.
6. Recursion and Backtracking
- Solve a Sudoku puzzle.
- Generate all permutations of a string.
- N-Queens problem.
Why They’re Asked
To test your ability to think recursively and explore solutions.
7. Hashing
- Find the first non-repeating character in a string.
- Count the number of subarrays with a given sum.
- Check for duplicates in an array.
Why They’re Asked
To test your ability to use hash maps for efficient data retrieval.
8. Stack and Queue Problems
- Implement a stack using queues.
- Evaluate a postfix expression.
- Find the maximum in a sliding window.
Why They’re Asked
To test your understanding of linear data structures and their applications.
9. System Design and Scalability
- Design a URL shortening service.
- Implement a rate limiter.
- Design a messaging queue system.
Why They’re Asked
To assess your ability to handle real-world scalability challenges.
10. Big-O Complexity Analysis
- Analyze the time complexity of an algorithm.
- Optimize an inefficient function.
Why They’re Asked
To evaluate your understanding of algorithmic efficiency and trade-offs.
Suggested Resources
Grokking the Coding Interview: Patterns for Coding Questions
Focuses on identifying patterns to tackle similar problems efficiently.
Check it out here -
Grokking Advanced Coding Patterns for Interviews
Ideal for mastering advanced patterns often asked in interviews.
Check it out here -
Grokking Algorithm Complexity and Big-O
Perfect for understanding complexity and optimizing solutions.
Check it out here
With thorough preparation and consistent practice, you’ll develop the skills needed to excel in coding interviews.
Coding Questions Catalog