What is the lowest salary at Meta?

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The lowest salary at Meta depends on the type of role and location. For non-technical roles like content reviewers or certain contract positions, the starting salary is lower compared to technical and managerial roles.

Examples of Lower Salaries at Meta:

  1. Content Reviewer / Moderation Roles:

    • These roles, often involving content moderation or support, have starting salaries that range from approximately 50,000 to 70,000 per year, depending on the location and scope of the role.
    • Source: Indeed Meta Reviews
  2. Customer Support Roles:

    • Some customer support or administrative roles can have base salaries closer to $50,000 annually, though they may vary depending on location and experience level.
    • Source: Glassdoor Meta Salaries
  3. Internships:

    • Interns at Meta, while technically temporary positions, earn quite competitive salaries. On average, Meta software engineering interns earn about 7,000 to 8,000 per month, which would be 84,000 to 96,000 annually if prorated for a full year, making internships still highly compensated.
    • Source: Glassdoor Meta Intern Salaries


The lowest full-time salaries at Meta are generally found in non-technical roles, starting around 50,000 to 70,000 per year, which is still competitive compared to industry standards.

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