What is epic in agile?
What is an Epic in Agile?
In Agile methodology, an epic is a large body of work that can be broken down into smaller, more manageable tasks or user stories. Epics are typically too big to be completed in a single sprint, so they are divided into multiple user stories that can be worked on over several sprints.
Key Features of an Epic
- High-Level Requirement: An epic represents a high-level requirement or a significant feature that delivers substantial value to the customer.
- Divisible: It is broken down into smaller user stories, which are the actionable tasks that can be completed within a sprint.
- Long-Term Work: Since an epic involves multiple user stories, it is usually completed over the course of several sprints or even releases.
- Tracking Progress: Teams use epics to track progress on a larger initiative, ensuring that related work is grouped and aligned with business goals.
Example of an Epic
Imagine you're developing an e-commerce website. An epic could be "Implement the user account system." This epic would then be broken down into smaller user stories like:
- As a user, I want to register for an account.
- As a user, I want to log in with my credentials.
- As a user, I want to reset my password.
Each user story is small enough to be completed in a single sprint, but together they make up the larger epic of implementing the entire user account system.
Purpose of Epics
Epics help Agile teams manage and prioritize work. By breaking down large features into smaller, more actionable items, teams can better plan, estimate, and execute their work. Epics provide a way to organize and track larger initiatives without losing sight of the finer details represented by individual user stories.
In Agile, an epic represents a large piece of work that is broken down into smaller tasks (user stories) for easier management and completion over multiple sprints. It helps teams stay focused on big-picture goals while managing smaller, incremental progress through user stories.
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