What is an example of LLD?

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An example of Low-Level Design (LLD) is designing a URL Shortener service, similar to platforms like bit.ly or TinyURL. This example illustrates how to translate high-level requirements into detailed components, classes, data structures, and their interactions, showcasing the depth and precision expected in an LLD.

Example: URL Shortener

1. Understanding the Requirements

Before diving into the design, it's essential to outline the key functionalities and requirements of the URL Shortener:

  • Functional Requirements:

    • Shorten URL: Convert a long URL into a short, unique alias.
    • Redirect: Redirect users from the short URL to the original long URL.
    • Analytics: Track the number of clicks on each short URL.
    • Custom Aliases: Allow users to specify custom aliases for their URLs.
    • Expiration: Set expiration dates for short URLs.
    • User Management: Support user accounts to manage their URLs.
  • Non-Functional Requirements:

    • Scalability: Handle a large number of URL shortening and redirection requests.
    • High Availability: Ensure the service is available 99.99% of the time.
    • Low Latency: Redirect users with minimal delay.
    • Security: Prevent abuse such as spamming or phishing through short URLs.
    • Maintainability: Easy to update and extend the system.

2. High-Level Design (HLD) Overview

At a high level, the system comprises the following components:

  • API Layer: Handles incoming requests for URL shortening and redirection.
  • Service Layer: Contains the business logic for generating short URLs, handling redirects, and tracking analytics.
  • Database Layer: Stores mappings between short URLs and long URLs, user data, and analytics data.
  • Cache Layer: Caches frequently accessed URL mappings to reduce database load and latency.
  • Monitoring and Logging: Tracks system performance and logs events for debugging and analytics.

3. Detailed Low-Level Design (LLD)

A. Class Diagram

Below is a simplified class diagram illustrating the primary classes and their relationships:

  • User

    • userId: String
    • username: String
    • email: String
    • password: String
    • register()
    • login()
    • logout()
  • URL

    • urlId: String
    • longUrl: String
    • shortUrl: String
    • userId: String
    • createdAt: Date
    • expiresAt: Date
    • clickCount: int
    • createShortUrl()
    • isExpired(): boolean
  • URLService

    • shortenUrl(longUrl: String, userId: String, customAlias: String): String
    • redirect(shortUrl: String): String
    • trackClick(shortUrl: String): void
    • getAnalytics(shortUrl: String): AnalyticsData
  • DatabaseConnection

    • connect()
    • disconnect()
    • executeQuery(query: String): ResultSet
    • executeUpdate(query: String): boolean
  • Cache

    • get(shortUrl: String): String
    • set(shortUrl: String, longUrl: String): void
    • invalidate(shortUrl: String): void
  • AnalyticsData

    • shortUrl: String
    • clicks: int
    • lastClickedAt: Date
    • getReport(): Report
B. Classes and Their Responsibilities
  1. User

    • Attributes:
      • userId: Unique identifier for the user.
      • username: User's chosen name.
      • email: User's email address.
      • password: Hashed password for authentication.
    • Methods:
      • register(): Handles user registration.
      • login(): Authenticates the user.
      • logout(): Ends the user session.
  2. URL

    • Attributes:
      • urlId: Unique identifier for the URL entry.
      • longUrl: Original long URL provided by the user.
      • shortUrl: Generated short URL alias.
      • userId: Identifier of the user who created the short URL.
      • createdAt: Timestamp of when the short URL was created.
      • expiresAt: Optional expiration date for the short URL.
      • clickCount: Number of times the short URL has been accessed.
    • Methods:
      • createShortUrl(): Generates a unique short URL.
      • isExpired(): Checks if the URL has expired based on expiresAt.
  3. URLService

    • Attributes: Depends on other components like DatabaseConnection and Cache.
    • Methods:
      • shortenUrl(longUrl, userId, customAlias): Creates a short URL, optionally with a custom alias.
      • redirect(shortUrl): Retrieves the long URL and handles redirection.
      • trackClick(shortUrl): Increments the click count for analytics.
      • getAnalytics(shortUrl): Retrieves analytics data for a short URL.
  4. DatabaseConnection

    • Attributes:
      • connectionString: Details to connect to the database.
      • connection: Active database connection instance.
    • Methods:
      • connect(): Establishes a connection to the database.
      • disconnect(): Closes the database connection.
      • executeQuery(query): Executes a read query.
      • executeUpdate(query): Executes a write/update query.
  5. Cache

    • Attributes: Depends on the caching mechanism (e.g., Redis).
    • Methods:
      • get(shortUrl): Retrieves the long URL from the cache.
      • set(shortUrl, longUrl): Stores the short-long URL mapping in the cache.
      • invalidate(shortUrl): Removes the mapping from the cache.
  6. AnalyticsData

    • Attributes:
      • shortUrl: The short URL being analyzed.
      • clicks: Total number of clicks.
      • lastClickedAt: Timestamp of the last click.
    • Methods:
      • getReport(): Generates a report based on the analytics data.
C. Data Structures
  1. Hash Table for URL Mapping

    • Purpose: Efficiently map short URLs to long URLs.
    • Implementation: Use a hash table where the key is the short URL and the value is the long URL.
    • Benefits: Provides O(1) average time complexity for insertions and lookups.
  2. Database Schema

    • Users Table

      ColumnData TypeConstraints
      passwordVARCHARNOT NULL
    • URLs Table

      ColumnData TypeConstraints
      long_urlTEXTNOT NULL
      user_idVARCHARFOREIGN KEY REFERENCES Users(user_id)
      created_atDATETIMENOT NULL
      click_countINTDEFAULT 0
    • Analytics Table

      ColumnData TypeConstraints
      analytics_idVARCHARPRIMARY KEY
      short_urlVARCHARFOREIGN KEY REFERENCES URLs(short_url)
      click_timeDATETIMENOT NULL
D. Module Interactions
  1. Shortening a URL

    • Steps:
      1. User sends a request to shorten a long URL via the API.
      2. URLService receives the request and validates the input.
      3. If a custom alias is provided, URLService checks for its uniqueness.
      4. URLService creates a new URL instance and generates a unique short URL.
      5. DatabaseConnection inserts the new URL mapping into the URLs table.
      6. Cache stores the short-long URL mapping for faster access.
      7. URLService returns the short URL to the user.
  2. Redirecting a Short URL

    • Steps:
      1. User accesses the short URL.
      2. API Layer receives the request and forwards it to URLService.
      3. URLService first checks the Cache for the short-long URL mapping.
      4. If found, retrieves the long URL; otherwise, queries the Database.
      5. URLService increments the click_count and records the click in the Analytics table.
      6. URLService redirects the user to the long URL.
  3. Tracking Analytics

    • Steps:
      1. Each redirection request triggers the URLService to log the click in the Analytics table.
      2. URLService updates the click_count in the URLs table.
      3. Users can request analytics reports, which URLService generates by querying the Analytics table.
E. Design Patterns Applied
  1. Singleton Pattern for DatabaseConnection and Cache to ensure only one instance manages database interactions and caching respectively.

    public class DatabaseConnection { private static DatabaseConnection instance; private Connection connection; private DatabaseConnection() { // Initialize connection } public static synchronized DatabaseConnection getInstance() { if (instance == null) { instance = new DatabaseConnection(); } return instance; } // Other methods... } public class Cache { private static Cache instance; private RedisClient redisClient; private Cache() { // Initialize Redis client } public static synchronized Cache getInstance() { if (instance == null) { instance = new Cache(); } return instance; } // Other methods... }
  2. Factory Pattern for creating different types of reports in the AnalyticsData class.

    public class ReportFactory { public static Report createReport(ReportType type) { switch(type) { case CLICK_COUNT: return new ClickCountReport(); case USER_ACTIVITY: return new UserActivityReport(); default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid Report Type"); } } }
  3. Observer Pattern for the Notification system to alert users about expiration or suspicious activities.

    public interface Observer { void update(String message); } public class User implements Observer { private String email; @Override public void update(String message) { // Send email notification } } public class NotificationSystem { private List<Observer> observers = new ArrayList<>(); public void addObserver(Observer observer) { observers.add(observer); } public void notifyAllObservers(String message) { for (Observer observer : observers) { observer.update(message); } } }
F. Error Handling and Edge Cases
  1. Custom Alias Collision

    • Solution: Check if the custom alias already exists. If it does, prompt the user to choose a different alias.
  2. URL Expiration

    • Solution: Before redirecting, check if the short URL has expired using the isExpired() method. If expired, inform the user accordingly.
  3. Database Failures

    • Solution: Implement retry mechanisms and fallback strategies. Use transactions to ensure atomicity of operations.
  4. Invalid URLs

    • Solution: Validate the format of the long URL before processing. Reject malformed URLs with appropriate error messages.
G. Concurrency Considerations
  1. Synchronized Methods

    • Ensure thread-safe operations when multiple users attempt to shorten the same URL or create custom aliases simultaneously.
    public synchronized String shortenUrl(String longUrl, String userId, String customAlias) { // Implementation... }
  2. Optimistic Locking

    • Use versioning in the URLs table to prevent lost updates when concurrent transactions modify the same record.
H. Database Schema Design
  1. Users Table

    ColumnData TypeConstraints
  2. URLs Table

    ColumnData TypeConstraints
    long_urlTEXTNOT NULL
    created_atDATETIMENOT NULL
    click_countINTDEFAULT 0
  3. Analytics Table

    ColumnData TypeConstraints
    analytics_idVARCHARPRIMARY KEY
    click_timeDATETIMENOT NULL
I. Security Considerations
  1. Authentication

    • Implement secure login mechanisms using hashed passwords (e.g., bcrypt).
    • Use JWT (JSON Web Tokens) for session management.
  2. Authorization

    • Role-based access control (RBAC) to restrict functionalities based on user roles (Admin, User).
  3. Data Protection

    • Encrypt sensitive data in transit using TLS.
    • Encrypt sensitive data at rest in the database.
J. Performance and Scalability Enhancements
  1. Caching

    • Use an in-memory cache like Redis to store frequently accessed short-long URL mappings, reducing database load and latency.
  2. Load Balancing

    • Distribute incoming API requests across multiple servers using load balancers to ensure no single server becomes a bottleneck.
  3. Database Optimization

    • Index frequently queried fields such as short_url and user_id to speed up lookups.
    • Use database replication for read-heavy operations to enhance scalability and availability.
  4. Asynchronous Processing

    • Handle notifications and analytics logging asynchronously to improve the responsiveness of URL shortening and redirection operations.
K. Implementation Example: Shortening a URL

Below is a simplified Java implementation of the shortenUrl method within the URLService class, demonstrating how different components interact.

public class URLService { private DatabaseConnection dbConnection; private Cache cache; private NotificationSystem notificationSystem; public URLService() { this.dbConnection = DatabaseConnection.getInstance(); this.cache = Cache.getInstance(); this.notificationSystem = NotificationSystem.getInstance(); } public String shortenUrl(String longUrl, String userId, String customAlias) { // Validate longUrl format if (!isValidUrl(longUrl)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid URL format"); } String shortUrl; if (customAlias != null && !customAlias.isEmpty()) { // Check if customAlias is unique if (dbConnection.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM URLs WHERE short_url = '" + customAlias + "'").next()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Custom alias already exists"); } shortUrl = customAlias; } else { // Generate unique shortUrl shortUrl = generateUniqueShortUrl(); } // Create URL entry URL url = new URL(); url.setUrlId(UUID.randomUUID().toString()); url.setLongUrl(longUrl); url.setShortUrl(shortUrl); url.setUserId(userId); url.setCreatedAt(new Date()); url.setClickCount(0); // Insert into database String insertQuery = "INSERT INTO URLs (url_id, long_url, short_url, user_id, created_at, click_count) " + "VALUES ('" + url.getUrlId() + "', '" + url.getLongUrl() + "', '" + url.getShortUrl() + "', '" + url.getUserId() + "', '" + url.getCreatedAt() + "', " + url.getClickCount() + ")"; boolean isInserted = dbConnection.executeUpdate(insertQuery); if (isInserted) { // Add to cache cache.set(shortUrl, longUrl); return shortUrl; } else { throw new RuntimeException("Failed to shorten URL"); } } private boolean isValidUrl(String url) { // Implement URL validation logic return true; } private String generateUniqueShortUrl() { String shortUrl; do { shortUrl = generateRandomString(6); } while (dbConnection.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM URLs WHERE short_url = '" + shortUrl + "'").next()); return shortUrl; } private String generateRandomString(int length) { String characters = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789"; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); Random rnd = new Random(); while (sb.length() < length) { int index = (int) (rnd.nextFloat() * characters.length()); sb.append(characters.charAt(index)); } return sb.toString(); } }


  1. Validation: The shortenUrl method begins by validating the format of the provided long URL.

  2. Custom Alias Handling: If a custom alias is provided, it checks for its uniqueness in the database. If the alias already exists, it throws an error.

  3. Short URL Generation: If no custom alias is provided, it generates a unique short URL by creating a random string and ensuring it doesn't collide with existing entries.

  4. Database Interaction: Inserts the new URL mapping into the URLs table. If the insertion is successful, it adds the mapping to the cache for faster future access.

  5. Error Handling: Throws appropriate exceptions if URL validation fails, if the custom alias already exists, or if the database insertion fails.

L. Security Considerations
  1. Rate Limiting

    • Implement rate limiting to prevent abuse of the URL shortening service.
  2. Malicious URL Detection

    • Integrate with services that detect and block malicious URLs to protect users from phishing or malware.
  3. Authentication and Authorization

    • Ensure that only authenticated users can create custom aliases or access their URL analytics.
M. Testing and Validation
  1. Unit Testing

    • Write unit tests for each class and method to ensure they behave as expected under various conditions.
  2. Integration Testing

    • Test the interactions between different modules, such as the API layer and the service layer, to ensure seamless integration.
  3. Load Testing

    • Simulate high traffic scenarios to test the system's scalability and performance under stress.
N. Documentation and Maintainability
  1. Comprehensive Documentation

    • Document each class, method, and component, explaining their responsibilities and interactions.
  2. Code Comments

    • Use meaningful comments within the code to explain complex logic or design decisions.
  3. Modular Design

    • Ensure that the system is designed in a modular fashion, allowing individual components to be updated or replaced without affecting the entire system.
O. Performance and Scalability Enhancements
  1. Horizontal Scaling

    • Deploy multiple instances of the API and service layers behind a load balancer to handle increased traffic.
  2. Database Sharding

    • Partition the database horizontally to distribute the load and improve query performance.
  3. Asynchronous Processing

    • Handle non-critical tasks like sending notifications or generating reports asynchronously to improve the responsiveness of the core functionalities.

4. Best Practices Demonstrated in the Example

  1. Object-Oriented Principles

    • Encapsulation: Each class manages its own data and behavior.
    • Single Responsibility: Each class has a clear, distinct responsibility.
  2. Design Patterns

    • Singleton: Ensures that only one instance of DatabaseConnection and Cache exists.
    • Factory: Used in ReportFactory to create different types of reports based on the requested ReportType.
  3. Error Handling

    • Implements validation checks and throws exceptions for invalid inputs or failed operations.
    • Ensures atomicity in operations by rolling back changes if a critical step fails.
  4. Scalability and Performance

    • Utilizes caching to reduce database load and improve response times.
    • Designs the system to handle high traffic through load balancing and horizontal scaling.
  5. Security

    • Incorporates authentication and authorization to protect user data.
    • Validates URLs to prevent the creation of malicious short links.

5. Conclusion

The URL Shortener example showcases how Low-Level Design involves detailing classes, their attributes, methods, interactions, and applying design patterns to create a robust and maintainable system. By breaking down the system into manageable components and addressing aspects like error handling, concurrency, security, and scalability, you demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of designing complex applications.

Preparation Tips for LLD Interviews:

  • Practice Common Scenarios: Familiarize yourself with typical LLD interview questions like designing a URL Shortener, Parking Lot System, Library Management System, or an Online Bookstore.
  • Diagramming Skills: Be comfortable sketching class diagrams, sequence diagrams, and other UML diagrams to visually represent your design.
  • Explain Your Thought Process: Clearly articulate your reasoning behind design choices, data structure selections, and pattern applications.
  • Optimize and Justify: Always consider performance, scalability, and maintainability, and be prepared to discuss trade-offs.
  • Use Pseudocode if Necessary: If you're unsure about the syntax of a specific language, using pseudocode can help convey your ideas without getting bogged down by language details.

For further preparation, consider exploring resources like Grokking the System Design Interview and System Design Primer The Ultimate Guide, which offer comprehensive insights and practice problems to enhance your design skills.

System Design Interview
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