What is a blind 75?

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"Blind 75" refers to a curated list of 75 coding problems compiled by a user on Blind, a popular career and workplace community app. This list gained significant attention among software engineers preparing for technical interviews, particularly for roles at top tech companies like Google, Amazon, and Facebook (Meta).

Background and Purpose:

  • Community-Driven: The list was created based on community discussions and input on Blind, with the aim of helping software engineers prepare effectively for coding interviews.
  • Focused Preparation: The 75 problems are selected to cover a broad range of topics and difficulty levels, providing a comprehensive approach to practicing key concepts and algorithms.

What the Blind 75 Covers:

  • The problems typically cover essential topics in coding interviews, including:
    • Data Structures: Arrays, Strings, Linked Lists, Trees, Graphs, etc.
    • Algorithms: Sorting, Searching, Recursion, Dynamic Programming, etc.
    • Concepts: Bit Manipulation, Mathematical puzzles, etc.
  • Practice Blind 75 questions

Why It's Popular:

  • Efficiency: The list focuses on a limited number of problems, making it a more manageable goal for interview preparation.
  • Diversity of Problems: It covers a wide range of problem types and difficulties, ensuring a well-rounded practice.
  • Community Validation: The list is curated based on input from many engineers, reflecting a consensus on what constitutes effective practice material.

How to Use the Blind 75:

  1. Routine Practice: Incorporate these problems into your regular study routine, aiming to solve a few problems each day.
  2. Understand, Don’t Memorize: Focus on understanding the underlying concepts and approaches rather than just memorizing solutions.
  3. Review and Reflect: After solving each problem, review your solution and understand different approaches or optimizations.
  4. Mock Interviews: Use some of these problems in mock interview settings to simulate real interview conditions.


  • While the Blind 75 is a great resource, it's important to complement it with other preparation methods, such as understanding system design, practicing behavioral interviews, and reviewing the specific interview format of the company you're applying to.

  • Also, the Blind 75 is not a definitive list but rather a guideline. Different companies might focus on different types of problems or emphasize different areas.

Ref: Blind 75 questions with answers

Data Structures and Algorithms
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