What are the top system design interview questions for Facebook?

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When preparing for a system design interview at Facebook, candidates should be ready to discuss designing scalable, reliable, and efficient systems. Facebook's interviews often focus on large-scale systems that handle high volumes of data and traffic. Here are some of the top system design interview questions commonly asked at Facebook:

1. Design a URL Shortener

Problem: Design a service like Bit.ly that generates a short URL from a long URL.

Key Considerations:

  • Unique ID generation for each URL.
  • Mapping short URLs to long URLs.
  • Handling high read and write traffic.
  • Data storage and retrieval.
  • URL expiration and analytics.

2. Design a News Feed System

Problem: Design a system that generates a news feed for users, similar to Facebook's news feed.

Key Considerations:

  • Real-time updates.
  • Personalized content based on user preferences.
  • Scalability to handle millions of users.
  • Efficient querying and data retrieval.
  • Push notifications for new content.

3. Design a Messenger System

Problem: Design a messaging service like Facebook Messenger.

Key Considerations:

  • Real-time message delivery.
  • Message storage and retrieval.
  • Handling different types of messages (text, images, videos).
  • User presence and notifications.
  • Scalability and fault tolerance.

4. Design a Photo Sharing Service

Problem: Design a system for sharing and viewing photos, similar to Instagram or Facebook Photos.

Key Considerations:

  • Image storage and retrieval.
  • Efficient image uploads and downloads.
  • Image metadata storage (captions, tags, geolocation).
  • Scalability to handle millions of users.
  • Content delivery network (CDN) for fast image delivery.

5. Design a Content Delivery Network (CDN)

Problem: Design a CDN that delivers static content (like images, videos) to users efficiently.

Key Considerations:

  • Caching strategies.
  • Geo-distribution of servers.
  • Load balancing.
  • Redundancy and fault tolerance.
  • Handling dynamic content.

6. Design a Web Crawler

Problem: Design a web crawler that indexes web pages for a search engine.

Key Considerations:

  • Scalability to crawl millions of pages.
  • Efficient URL storage and deduplication.
  • Handling dynamic and static content.
  • Politeness policy to avoid overloading websites.
  • Data storage and indexing.

7. Design an API Rate Limiter

Problem: Design a system to rate limit API requests.

Key Considerations:

  • Algorithms for rate limiting (token bucket, leaky bucket).
  • Handling burst traffic.
  • User-specific rate limits.
  • Distributed rate limiting.
  • Monitoring and logging.

8. Design a Video Streaming Service

Problem: Design a video streaming service like YouTube or Facebook Live.

Key Considerations:

  • Video storage and retrieval.
  • Efficient video encoding and transcoding.
  • Real-time streaming capabilities.
  • Scalability to handle millions of concurrent viewers.
  • Content delivery network (CDN) for fast and reliable delivery.

9. Design a Distributed Cache

Problem: Design a distributed caching system to speed up data retrieval.

Key Considerations:

  • Cache eviction policies (LRU, LFU).
  • Data consistency across caches.
  • Cache invalidation strategies.
  • Scalability and fault tolerance.
  • Monitoring cache performance.

10. Design a Notification System

Problem: Design a system to send notifications to users in real-time.

Key Considerations:

  • Different types of notifications (push, email, SMS).
  • Real-time delivery.
  • User preferences and settings.
  • Scalability to handle millions of notifications.
  • Monitoring and logging.

Example Approach: Design a URL Shortener


  • Generate a unique short URL for each long URL.
  • Redirect short URL to the original long URL.
  • Handle high read and write traffic.
  • Optionally track usage statistics and expiration dates for URLs.

Key Components:

  1. Unique ID Generation:

    • Use a base-62 encoding to generate short URLs.
    • Optionally, use a hash function with collision handling.
  2. Data Storage:

    • Store mappings between short and long URLs in a database.
    • Use a NoSQL database like DynamoDB for scalability.
  3. Redirection Service:

    • When a short URL is accessed, retrieve the corresponding long URL from the database and redirect.
  4. Scalability:

    • Use load balancers to distribute traffic across multiple servers.
    • Implement caching for frequently accessed URLs using Redis or Memcached.
  5. Analytics and Monitoring:

    • Track the number of clicks for each short URL.
    • Use logging and monitoring tools to keep track of system performance and errors.

Example Code Snippet:

class URLShortener: def __init__(self): self.url_map = {} self.counter = 1 self.base62_chars = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" def encode(self, long_url): short_url = self._encode_base62(self.counter) self.url_map[short_url] = long_url self.counter += 1 return short_url def decode(self, short_url): return self.url_map.get(short_url) def _encode_base62(self, num): if num == 0: return self.base62_chars[0] result = [] while num > 0: result.append(self.base62_chars[num % 62]) num //= 62 return ''.join(reversed(result)) # Usage url_shortener = URLShortener() short_url = url_shortener.encode("https://www.example.com") print(short_url) # Outputs: a unique short URL print(url_shortener.decode(short_url)) # Outputs: "https://www.example.com"


By understanding and practicing these system design problems, you'll be well-prepared for a system design interview at Facebook. Focus on scalability, reliability, and efficiency, and be ready to discuss trade-offs and design choices in detail.

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