What are the most frequently asked coding interview questions at Apple?

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Apple's coding interviews are known for their emphasis on problem-solving, data structures, and algorithms. Here are some of the most frequently asked coding interview questions at Apple, along with a brief explanation and approach for each:

1. Two Sum

Problem: Given an array of integers, return indices of the two numbers such that they add up to a specific target.

Approach: Use a hash map to store the difference between the target and each element.

def two_sum(nums, target): num_map = {} for i, num in enumerate(nums): complement = target - num if complement in num_map: return [num_map[complement], i] num_map[num] = i return []

2. Reverse a Linked List

Problem: Reverse a singly linked list.

Approach: Use iterative pointer manipulation.

def reverse_list(head): prev = None current = head while current: next_node = current.next current.next = prev prev = current current = next_node return prev

3. Merge Intervals

Problem: Merge all overlapping intervals in an array of intervals.

Approach: Sort the intervals by the start time and merge overlapping intervals.

def merge(intervals): intervals.sort(key=lambda x: x[0]) merged = [] for interval in intervals: if not merged or merged[-1][1] < interval[0]: merged.append(interval) else: merged[-1][1] = max(merged[-1][1], interval[1]) return merged

4. Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters

Problem: Find the length of the longest substring without repeating characters.

Approach: Use a sliding window approach with a set to track characters.

def length_of_longest_substring(s): char_set = set() left = 0 max_length = 0 for right in range(len(s)): while s[right] in char_set: char_set.remove(s[left]) left += 1 char_set.add(s[right]) max_length = max(max_length, right - left + 1) return max_length

5. Median of Two Sorted Arrays

Problem: Find the median of two sorted arrays.

Approach: Use a binary search approach to partition the arrays and find the median.

def findMedianSortedArrays(nums1, nums2): A, B = nums1, nums2 total = len(A) + len(B) half = total // 2 if len(A) > len(B): A, B = B, A l, r = 0, len(A) - 1 while True: i = (l + r) // 2 j = half - i - 2 Aleft = A[i] if i >= 0 else float('-infinity') Aright = A[i + 1] if (i + 1) < len(A) else float('infinity') Bleft = B[j] if j >= 0 else float('-infinity') Bright = B[j + 1] if (j + 1) < len(B) else float('infinity') if Aleft <= Bright and Bleft <= Aright: if total % 2: return min(Aright, Bright) return (max(Aleft, Bleft) + min(Aright, Bright)) / 2 elif Aleft > Bright: r = i - 1 else: l = i + 1

6. Clone Graph

Problem: Given a reference of a node in a connected undirected graph, return a deep copy (clone) of the graph.

Approach: Use BFS or DFS with a hash map to keep track of visited nodes and their corresponding clones.

def cloneGraph(node): if not node: return None node_map = {} def dfs(node): if node in node_map: return node_map[node] clone = Node(node.val, []) node_map[node] = clone for neighbor in node.neighbors: clone.neighbors.append(dfs(neighbor)) return clone return dfs(node)

7. Word Ladder

Problem: Given two words (beginWord and endWord), and a dictionary's word list, find the length of the shortest transformation sequence from beginWord to endWord.

Approach: Use BFS to explore all possible transformations level by level.

from collections import deque def ladderLength(beginWord, endWord, wordList): if endWord not in wordList: return 0 wordList = set(wordList) queue = deque([(beginWord, 1)]) while queue: current_word, level = queue.popleft() for i in range(len(current_word)): for char in 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz': next_word = current_word[:i] + char + current_word[i+1:] if next_word == endWord: return level + 1 if next_word in wordList: wordList.remove(next_word) queue.append((next_word, level + 1)) return 0

8. Trapping Rain Water

Problem: Given n non-negative integers representing an elevation map where the width of each bar is 1, compute how much water it can trap after raining.

Approach: Use two pointers to calculate the trapped water.

def trap(height): if not height: return 0 left, right = 0, len(height) - 1 left_max, right_max = height[left], height[right] water = 0 while left < right: if height[left] < height[right]: left += 1 left_max = max(left_max, height[left]) water += max(0, left_max - height[left]) else: right -= 1 right_max = max(right_max, height[right]) water += max(0, right_max - height[right]) return water

9. Remove Nth Node From End of List

Problem: Remove the nth node from the end of a linked list and return its head.

Approach: Use two pointers to find the node to remove.

def remove_nth_from_end(head, n): dummy = ListNode(0) dummy.next = head first, second = dummy, dummy for _ in range(n + 1): first = first.next while first: first = first.next second = second.next second.next = second.next.next return dummy.next

10. Longest Palindromic Substring

Problem: Find the longest palindromic substring in a given string.

Approach: Use expand around center technique.

def longest_palindromic_substring(s): if not s or len(s) < 1: return "" def expand_around_center(left, right): while left >= 0 and right < len(s) and s[left] == s[right]: left -= 1 right += 1 return right - left - 1 start, end = 0, 0 for i in range(len(s)): len1 = expand_around_center(i, i) len2 = expand_around_center(i, i + 1) max_len = max(len1, len2) if max_len > end - start: start = i - (max_len - 1) // 2 end = i + max_len // 2 return s[start:end + 1]

These questions reflect the types of problems that require a deep understanding of algorithms, data structures, and efficient problem-solving techniques. Practice solving these and similar problems to prepare effectively for your coding interview at Apple.

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