What are the 10 algorithms one must know in order to solve most algorithm problems?

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Top 10 Essential Algorithms to Master for Solving Most Algorithm Problems

Mastering fundamental algorithms is crucial for excelling in computer science, software development, and technical interviews. These algorithms form the backbone of efficient problem-solving and are widely applicable across various domains. Here are the 10 essential algorithms you should know to tackle most algorithmic challenges effectively:

1. Binary Search

Description: Binary Search is an efficient algorithm for finding an item from a sorted list of items. It repeatedly divides the search interval in half, comparing the target value to the middle element of the array.

Key Features:

  • Time Complexity: O(log n)
  • Space Complexity: O(1) for iterative implementation


  • Searching in sorted arrays or lists.
  • Solving problems like finding the first bad version, searching in rotated sorted arrays.

Example Problem: Find the index of a target number in a sorted array.

2. QuickSort

Description: QuickSort is a highly efficient sorting algorithm based on the divide-and-conquer principle. It selects a 'pivot' element and partitions the array into two sub-arrays: elements less than the pivot and elements greater than the pivot, then recursively sorts the sub-arrays.

Key Features:

  • Average Time Complexity: O(n log n)
  • Worst-Case Time Complexity: O(n²) (rare with good pivot selection)
  • Space Complexity: O(log n) due to recursion


  • General-purpose sorting.
  • Situations where in-place sorting is required.

Example Problem: Sort an array of integers in ascending order.

3. MergeSort

Description: MergeSort is a stable, divide-and-conquer sorting algorithm that divides the array into halves, recursively sorts each half, and then merges the sorted halves.

Key Features:

  • Time Complexity: O(n log n) consistently
  • Space Complexity: O(n) due to the auxiliary array
  • Stable Sorting: Maintains the relative order of equal elements


  • Sorting linked lists.
  • Situations requiring stable sorting.

Example Problem: Sort a linked list in O(n log n) time.

4. Breadth-First Search (BFS)

Description: BFS is a graph traversal algorithm that explores vertices in the order of their distance from the source vertex, visiting all neighbors at the present depth before moving to the next level.

Key Features:

  • Time Complexity: O(V + E) where V is vertices and E is edges
  • Space Complexity: O(V)


  • Finding the shortest path in unweighted graphs.
  • Level-order traversal in trees.
  • Solving puzzles like the shortest path in a maze.

Example Problem: Find the shortest path from a start node to a target node in an unweighted graph.

5. Depth-First Search (DFS)

Description: DFS is a graph traversal algorithm that explores as far as possible along each branch before backtracking. It uses a stack data structure, either implicitly through recursion or explicitly.

Key Features:

  • Time Complexity: O(V + E)
  • Space Complexity: O(V)


  • Detecting cycles in a graph.
  • Topological sorting.
  • Solving puzzles like mazes and the N-Queens problem.

Example Problem: Detect if a graph contains a cycle.

6. Dijkstra’s Algorithm

Description: Dijkstra’s Algorithm finds the shortest path between nodes in a graph, which may represent, for example, road networks. It is particularly effective for graphs with non-negative edge weights.

Key Features:

  • Time Complexity: O(V²) or O(E + V log V) with a priority queue
  • Space Complexity: O(V)


  • GPS navigation systems.
  • Network routing protocols.
  • Finding the shortest path in weighted graphs.

Example Problem: Find the shortest path from a source node to all other nodes in a weighted graph.

7. Dynamic Programming (DP)

Description: Dynamic Programming is a method for solving complex problems by breaking them down into simpler subproblems and storing the results of these subproblems to avoid redundant computations.

Key Features:

  • Time Complexity: Varies based on the problem (often O(n²) or O(n^3))
  • Space Complexity: O(n) to O(n²)


  • Optimization problems.
  • Solving problems like the Knapsack problem, Longest Increasing Subsequence, and Fibonacci sequence.

Example Problem: Find the longest palindromic subsequence in a string.

8. Hashing and Hash Tables

Description: Hashing is a technique to map data of arbitrary size to fixed-size values. Hash Tables use a hash function to compute an index into an array of buckets or slots, from which the desired value can be found.

Key Features:

  • Average Time Complexity: O(1) for insertions, deletions, and lookups
  • Space Complexity: O(n)


  • Implementing associative arrays, database indexing, caching.
  • Solving problems like two-sum, checking for duplicates, and frequency counting.

Example Problem: Find two numbers in an array that add up to a specific target.

9. Greedy Algorithms

Description: Greedy Algorithms make the locally optimal choice at each step with the hope of finding the global optimum. They are suitable for optimization problems where choosing the best immediate option leads to an overall optimal solution.

Key Features:

  • Time Complexity: Varies based on the problem
  • Space Complexity: Varies based on the problem


  • Interval scheduling.
  • Huffman coding for data compression.
  • Prim’s and Kruskal’s algorithms for finding the minimum spanning tree.

Example Problem: Given a set of intervals, find the minimum number of conference rooms required.

10. Backtracking

Description: Backtracking is an algorithmic technique for solving problems recursively by trying to build a solution incrementally and abandoning a solution ("backtracking") as soon as it determines that this solution cannot possibly be completed to a valid one.

Key Features:

  • Time Complexity: Exponential in the worst case
  • Space Complexity: O(n) due to recursion stack


  • Solving puzzles like Sudoku and the N-Queens problem.
  • Generating permutations and combinations.
  • Constraint satisfaction problems.

Example Problem: Solve the N-Queens problem by placing N queens on an N×N chessboard so that no two queens threaten each other.

Why These Algorithms Are Essential

  1. Foundational Knowledge: These algorithms form the basis for more complex and specialized algorithms.
  2. Wide Applicability: They are used across various domains, including web development, data analysis, artificial intelligence, and more.
  3. Interview Relevance: Most technical interviews, especially for software engineering roles, feature problems based on these algorithms.
  4. Problem-Solving Skills: Mastering these algorithms enhances your ability to think logically and solve problems efficiently.

Tips to Master These Algorithms

  1. Understand the Concepts: Don’t just memorize the steps; understand why and how each algorithm works.
  2. Practice Regularly: Use platforms like LeetCode, HackerRank, and CodeSignal to practice implementing these algorithms.
  3. Analyze Complexity: Always consider the time and space complexity of your solutions.
  4. Learn Variations: Explore different variations and optimizations of these algorithms to deepen your understanding.
  5. Implement from Scratch: Writing these algorithms without relying on built-in functions solidifies your knowledge.


  • Cracking the Coding Interview by Gayle Laakmann McDowell
  • Elements of Programming Interviews by Adnan Aziz, Tsung-Hsien Lee, and Amit Prakash

Online Courses:

Blogs and Articles:

YouTube Channels:

Final Thoughts

Mastering these 10 essential algorithms will equip you with the necessary tools to solve a wide range of algorithmic problems effectively. Consistent practice, deep understanding, and application of these algorithms will not only help you excel in technical interviews but also enhance your overall problem-solving skills in software development and beyond. Keep learning, stay curious, and leverage the available resources to continue building your expertise.

Good luck on your algorithm mastery journey!

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