How to solve coding interview problems?

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Solving coding interview problems effectively requires a systematic approach that involves understanding the problem, planning the solution, writing code, and testing it thoroughly. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you solve coding interview problems successfully:

1. Understand the Problem

Before diving into coding, make sure you fully understand what the problem is asking. Misinterpreting the problem can lead to incorrect solutions, so take your time to clarify every aspect.


  • Read the Problem Carefully: Make sure you understand the input, expected output, and any constraints.
  • Ask Clarifying Questions: If you’re unsure about anything, don’t hesitate to ask the interviewer for clarification. This can include edge cases, input constraints, or expected time/space complexity.
    • Example questions:
      • "Are negative numbers part of the input?"
      • "Should I handle very large datasets?"
      • "Is the input sorted?"
  • Restate the Problem: After reading it, paraphrase the problem back to the interviewer to confirm that you’ve understood it correctly.
    • Example: "So, I need to find the longest substring without repeating characters from a given string. Is that correct?"


For a problem like "Find the longest palindrome in a given string," clarify:

  • What’s the input? (A string)
  • What’s the output? (The longest palindrome substring)
  • Should you handle empty strings or strings with one character?

2. Come Up With an Approach (Plan the Solution)

Once you understand the problem, think of a solution. It’s best to discuss your approach with the interviewer before starting to code. There might be multiple ways to solve the problem, so be sure to:

  • Describe Your Approach Verbally: Start with a simple or brute-force solution if necessary, then optimize it.
    • Example: "I can try all substrings and check if each one is a palindrome, but that will be inefficient. A better approach is to expand around the center of each character."
  • Consider Time and Space Complexity: Think about the efficiency of your approach and mention any trade-offs.
    • Example: "This brute force solution would have a time complexity of O(n²), but I’ll try optimizing it to O(n) by using dynamic programming."


  • Use Common Patterns: Many coding problems can be solved using well-known patterns like sliding window, two-pointer techniques, recursion, or dynamic programming.
  • Optimize Gradually: Start with a basic approach and then try to optimize it based on time and space complexity.

3. Break the Problem Down into Smaller Steps

Before coding, break the problem down into manageable steps. This helps in explaining your thought process and in writing clean, organized code.

Example Steps for a Problem Like "Find the Maximum Sum of a Subarray":

  1. Initialize a variable to store the maximum sum.
  2. Iterate through the array to compute the sum of the current subarray.
  3. Update the maximum sum if the current subarray sum is larger.
  4. Return the maximum sum at the end.

By breaking it into steps, you make it easier to follow the logic and explain it to the interviewer.

4. Write the Code

Now that you’ve planned the solution, start writing the code. As you code, make sure to:

  • Write Clean Code: Use meaningful variable names, add comments where necessary, and keep the code readable.
  • Think Out Loud: While coding, explain what each part of the code does. This helps the interviewer understand your thought process.
    • Example: "Here, I’m initializing the maxSum variable to store the maximum sum so far."
  • Handle Edge Cases: Consider special cases and constraints as you code. For example:
    • What happens if the input is empty?
    • What if all the elements are negative?

Example Code for "Find Maximum Sum of a Subarray" (Kadane’s Algorithm):

def maxSubArray(nums): current_sum = max_sum = nums[0] for num in nums[1:]: current_sum = max(num, current_sum + num) max_sum = max(max_sum, current_sum) return max_sum

5. Test Your Code with Examples

After writing the code, test it with several cases, including edge cases and normal cases. Walk through the code step by step with the example inputs and outputs to ensure it works as expected.


  • Start with the Given Examples: Use the examples provided in the problem.
    • For the "Maximum Sum of a Subarray" problem, test with inputs like:
      • nums = [-2,1,-3,4,-1,2,1,-5,4] → Output should be 6.
  • Create Edge Cases: Consider edge cases like empty arrays, single-element arrays, or arrays with all negative numbers.
    • nums = [-1, -2, -3] → Output should be -1.
  • Explain the Test Cases: Walk through the code and explain how the variables change with each step.
    • Example: "Here, I’m starting with current_sum equal to -2. As I iterate over the array, I’ll compare the current element with the sum of the current subarray."

6. Analyze Time and Space Complexity

Once you’ve tested your code and confirmed it works, discuss the time and space complexity with the interviewer. This shows that you’re thinking about the performance and scalability of your solution.


  • Time Complexity: Explain how long the solution takes relative to the input size.
    • Example: "The time complexity of this algorithm is O(n) because I’m iterating over the array once."
  • Space Complexity: Explain how much extra memory your solution uses.
    • Example: "The space complexity is O(1) since I’m only using a few extra variables to store the current and maximum sums."

7. Optimize if Necessary

If your solution works but is not optimal (e.g., too slow or uses too much memory), discuss ways to improve it. If the interviewer suggests a more efficient approach, show that you’re open to optimizing your solution.


  • Optimize Gradually: Start with a brute-force approach, then improve the time complexity by using more efficient algorithms or data structures.
  • Be Open to Feedback: If the interviewer suggests a different approach, explain how you would modify your solution to implement it.

8. Handle Mistakes Gracefully

If you make a mistake or realize your solution is incorrect, don’t panic. Acknowledge the mistake, explain why it happened, and show how you would fix it.


  • "I just realized that I didn’t account for this edge case. Let me correct it by adding a check for an empty input."

Interviewers appreciate candidates who can recognize mistakes and fix them quickly.

9. Stay Calm and Confident

Coding interviews can be stressful, but staying calm and confident will help you think more clearly. If you get stuck, take a deep breath, and think through the problem step by step.


  • Don’t Rush: Take your time to think through the problem and explain your thought process. It’s better to take a few moments to think than to rush and make mistakes.
  • Communicate Continuously: Keep explaining what you’re doing, even if you’re unsure of the solution. Interviewers value candidates who can communicate their reasoning.


Solving coding interview problems requires a structured approach that starts with fully understanding the problem and ends with testing and analyzing the solution. By following these steps—understanding the problem, planning the solution, writing code, testing it, and analyzing the complexity—you can demonstrate both your coding skills and your problem-solving ability. With consistent practice and a calm, thoughtful approach, you’ll improve your performance in coding interviews.

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