How to do a zigzag conversion?

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Understanding how to perform a zigzag conversion is essential for solving specific string manipulation problems often found in programming challenges and technical interviews. This conversion reorders the characters of a string into a zigzag pattern on a given number of rows, then reads off row by row to produce a transformed output.

Problem Statement

Given a string s and an integer numRows, rearrange the string in a zigzag pattern across numRows amount of rows and return the resulting string.


  • Input: s = "PAYPALISHIRING", numRows = 3
    Explanation: The characters are arranged as follows:

    P   A   H   N
    A P L S I I G
    Y   I   R

    Reading line by line, the result is "PAHNAPLSIIGYIR".

  • Input: s = "PAYPALISHIRING", numRows = 4
    Explanation: The characters are arranged as follows:

    P     I    N
    A   L S  I G
    Y A   H R
    P     I

    Reading line by line, the result is "PINALSIGYAHRPI".

Approaches to Zigzag Conversion

1. Array of Strings Approach with Direction Flag

  • Method: This approach uses an array of strings to represent each row of the zigzag pattern. As characters are read from the input string, they are appended to the correct row based on the current position and direction of traversal. The direction changes when the top or bottom row is reached.

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  • Explanation: This function dynamically builds rows in a zigzag pattern by switching direction at the top and bottom rows, then concatenates them to form the final string.
  • Time Complexity: Linear, (O(n)), where (n) is the length of the string, as each character is processed exactly once.
  • Space Complexity: Linear, (O(n)), as additional storage is proportional to the input size.

2. Direct Computation Approach

  • Method: Calculate directly the row position of each character by using the cycle length (2 \times (\text{numRows} - 1)). This method involves more complex calculations but eliminates the need for a directional variable.

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  • Explanation: This function assigns characters directly to the appropriate row based on their position in the input string, using a calculated cycle length to avoid the need for directional tracking.
  • Time Complexity: Linear, (O(n)).
  • Space Complexity: Linear, (O(n)).


Zigzag conversion is a useful technique for text formatting where visual style is important, such as in graphical user interfaces or text rendering software. It is also a good exercise for understanding string manipulation and pattern recognition, skills that are critical in many software development and data processing tasks.


The zigzag conversion problem is an interesting challenge that demonstrates the importance of understanding how to manipulate arrays and strings efficiently. Whether using a simulation or direct computation approach, mastering this technique provides a solid foundation for tackling more complex string manipulation tasks in future projects or coding interviews.

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