How to catch multiple exceptions in one line? (in the "except" block)

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Catching multiple exceptions in a single except block is a common requirement in Python programming. It allows you to handle different types of errors using a concise and readable syntax. This approach can simplify your error-handling logic, especially when multiple exceptions require similar handling.

In this guide, you'll learn how to catch multiple exceptions in one line within the except block, understand the syntax and best practices, and see practical examples to solidify your understanding.

Basic Syntax for Catching Multiple Exceptions

In Python, you can catch multiple exceptions in a single except block by specifying a tuple of exception types. The syntax is straightforward:

try: # Code that may raise exceptions pass except (ExceptionType1, ExceptionType2) as e: # Handle the exceptions pass
  • ExceptionType1, ExceptionType2: These are the exception classes you want to catch.
  • as e: (Optional) Binds the caught exception to the variable e for further inspection or logging.

Key Points:

  • Tuple of Exceptions: The exceptions to catch are enclosed in parentheses and separated by commas, forming a tuple.
  • Order Matters: Python checks the exceptions in the order they are listed. If an exception matches any in the tuple, it's caught by that except block.


Example 1: Handling Multiple Exceptions Similarly

Suppose you are working with file operations and network requests, which might raise different exceptions like FileNotFoundError and requests.exceptions.ConnectionError. You want to handle both exceptions in the same way.

import requests def read_file_and_fetch_data(file_path, url): try: with open(file_path, 'r') as file: data = response = requests.get(url) return data, response.json() except (FileNotFoundError, requests.exceptions.ConnectionError) as e: print(f"An error occurred: {e}") return None, None # Usage file_data, api_data = read_file_and_fetch_data('data.txt', '')


  • FileNotFoundError: Raised if the file does not exist.
  • requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: Raised if there's a network problem.
  • Both exceptions are handled identically by printing an error message and returning None values.

Example 2: Differentiating Exception Handling

Sometimes, you might want to perform different actions based on which exception was raised. You can still use a single except block to catch multiple exceptions and then differentiate within the block.

def process_input(user_input): try: number = int(user_input) result = 10 / number return result except (ValueError, ZeroDivisionError) as e: if isinstance(e, ValueError): print("Invalid input! Please enter a valid integer.") elif isinstance(e, ZeroDivisionError): print("Cannot divide by zero!") return None # Usage result = process_input("abc") # Outputs: Invalid input! Please enter a valid integer. result = process_input("0") # Outputs: Cannot divide by zero!


  • ValueError: Raised if user_input cannot be converted to an integer.
  • ZeroDivisionError: Raised if the user enters 0, leading to division by zero.
  • Within the except block, isinstance() checks determine which exception was caught, allowing for specific handling.

Example 3: Using Exception Hierarchies

Python exceptions are organized in a hierarchy. Sometimes, catching a higher-level exception can cover multiple specific exceptions. However, explicitly listing exceptions provides clearer and more precise error handling.

def read_and_convert(file_path): try: with open(file_path, 'r') as file: data = number = float(data) return number except (FileNotFoundError, ValueError) as e: print(f"Error processing file: {e}") return None # Usage num = read_and_convert('numbers.txt')


  • FileNotFoundError: Raised if the file doesn't exist.
  • ValueError: Raised if the file content cannot be converted to a float.
  • Both exceptions are handled similarly, providing a unified error message.

Best Practices

  1. Be Specific with Exceptions:

    • Only catch exceptions you intend to handle. Catching overly broad exceptions (like Exception) can obscure bugs and make debugging difficult.
    # Less specific - not recommended except Exception as e: handle_error(e) # More specific - recommended except (ValueError, TypeError) as e: handle_error(e)
  2. Order of Exceptions:

    • If you have a hierarchy of exceptions, list more specific exceptions before more general ones to ensure correct matching.
    try: # Some operation pass except (FileNotFoundError, IOError) as e: handle_io_error(e)
  3. Use as to Capture Exception Details:

    • Capturing the exception object allows you to inspect the error message or other attributes.
    except (ValueError, TypeError) as e: print(f"An error occurred: {e}")
  4. Avoid Using Bare except:

    • A bare except catches all exceptions, including system-exiting ones like SystemExit and KeyboardInterrupt, which is usually undesirable.
    # Avoid try: risky_operation() except: handle_error() # Prefer except (SpecificError1, SpecificError2) as e: handle_error(e)
  5. Log Exceptions:

    • Especially in production code, logging exceptions is crucial for diagnosing issues.
    import logging try: # Some operation pass except (ValueError, TypeError) as e: logging.error(f"An error occurred: {e}")

Common Pitfalls

  1. Catching Too Broad Exceptions:

    • Catching broad exceptions can mask unexpected errors, making debugging challenging.
    # Problematic try: do_something() except Exception: pass # Silently ignores all exceptions # Better try: do_something() except SpecificError as e: handle_error(e)
  2. Overlapping Exceptions:

    • If exceptions share a common superclass, ensure you're not unintentionally catching them in the wrong order.
    # Example try: do_something() except (IOError, FileNotFoundError) as e: handle_error(e) # Since FileNotFoundError is a subclass of IOError, the order matters
  3. Forgetting to Capture the Exception Object:

    • Not capturing the exception object prevents access to error details.
    # Less useful except (ValueError, TypeError): print("An error occurred.") # More useful except (ValueError, TypeError) as e: print(f"An error occurred: {e}")
  4. Ignoring Exceptions:

    • Using pass or empty except blocks can hide errors.
    try: do_something() except (ValueError, TypeError): pass # Hides the exception # Prefer handling or logging except (ValueError, TypeError) as e: print(f"Error: {e}")

Advanced Usage

Re-raising Exceptions

After handling multiple exceptions, you might want to re-raise them to propagate the error up the call stack.

def divide(a, b): try: return a / b except (ZeroDivisionError, TypeError) as e: print(f"Error: {e}") raise # Re-raises the caught exception # Usage try: divide(10, 'x') except Exception as e: print(f"Handled in outer scope: {e}")


Error: unsupported operand type(s) for /: 'int' and 'str'
Handled in outer scope: unsupported operand type(s) for /: 'int' and 'str'

Handling Multiple Exception Types Differently

While catching multiple exceptions in one line is useful for similar handling, you can also structure your try-except blocks to handle different exceptions differently, maintaining readability and specificity.

def process_data(data): try: # Some operations that may raise different exceptions pass except ValueError as ve: print(f"Value error: {ve}") except TypeError as te: print(f"Type error: {te}") except (IOError, OSError) as e: print(f"IO related error: {e}")


  • Different exceptions are handled in separate except blocks, allowing for tailored responses.


Catching multiple exceptions in a single except block using a tuple is a powerful feature in Python that enhances code readability and efficiency. By following best practices and understanding the nuances of exception hierarchies, you can implement robust and maintainable error-handling mechanisms in your Python applications.

Key Takeaways:

  • Use Tuples in except Blocks: List all exception types you want to catch within a tuple.

    except (ExceptionType1, ExceptionType2) as e: handle_exception(e)
  • Be Specific: Avoid catching overly broad exceptions to prevent masking unexpected errors.

  • Capture Exception Details: Use as to bind the exception to a variable for detailed handling or logging.

  • Understand Exception Hierarchies: Recognize how exceptions inherit from each other to structure your except blocks effectively.

By mastering these techniques, you can handle multiple error scenarios gracefully, making your code more resilient and user-friendly.

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