How do I revert all local changes in Git managed project to previous state?

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Reverting all local changes in a Git-managed project to a previous state is a common task that can help you undo mistakes, discard unwanted modifications, or reset your working environment. However, it's crucial to approach this operation with caution to prevent unintended data loss. This comprehensive guide will walk you through various methods to safely revert changes in Git, covering multiple scenarios and providing clear, step-by-step instructions. Additionally, it will offer best practices, example scenarios, and troubleshooting tips to ensure a smooth and secure recovery process.


Before attempting to revert changes in your Git repository, ensure you have the following:

  • Git Installed: Verify by running:

    git --version

    If not installed, download it from the official Git website.

  • Access to the Repository: Ensure you have the necessary permissions to modify the repository.

  • Basic Git Knowledge: Familiarity with Git commands and concepts like commits, branches, and the staging area will be beneficial.

  • Backup Important Work: While Git operations are generally safe, it's good practice to back up important branches or work before performing irreversible actions.

Understanding the Revert Scenarios

Reverting changes in Git can vary based on how and when the changes were made. Understanding these scenarios helps in choosing the most effective method to restore your repository to a previous state.

  1. Discarding Unstaged Changes: Changes made to tracked files that have not been staged for commit.
  2. Discarding Staged Changes: Changes that have been added to the staging area but not yet committed.
  3. Discarding All Local Changes: Reverting both staged and unstaged changes to return to the last commit.
  4. Reverting to a Specific Commit: Resetting the repository to a particular commit in the history.
  5. Cleaning Untracked Files and Directories: Removing files and directories that are not tracked by Git.

Scenario 1: Discarding Unstaged Changes

Objective: Discard changes made to tracked files that have not been staged for commit, reverting them to the state of the last commit.


  1. Check the Status of Your Repository:

    git status

    Sample Output:

    On branch main
    Changes not staged for commit:
      (use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed)
      (use "git restore <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)
            modified:   src/app.js
  2. Discard Changes to Specific Files:

    Use git restore (available in Git 2.23 and later) to discard changes in the working directory.

    git restore src/app.js

    Alternative Using git checkout:

    git checkout -- src/app.js
  3. Confirm Restoration:

    git status

    Sample Output:

    On branch main
    nothing to commit, working tree clean


  • git restore vs. git checkout: git restore is the recommended command for discarding changes as it is more intuitive and less error-prone than git checkout, which serves multiple purposes.

  • Safety: This operation cannot be undone. Ensure that you truly want to discard these changes before executing the command.

Scenario 2: Discarding Staged Changes

Objective: Remove changes that have been staged (added to the staging area) but not yet committed, reverting them to the last commit state.


  1. Check the Status of Your Repository:

    git status

    Sample Output:

    On branch main
    Changes to be committed:
      (use "git restore --staged <file>..." to unstage)
            modified:   src/app.js
            new file:   src/utils.js
  2. Unstage Specific Files:

    Use git restore --staged to remove files from the staging area.

    git restore --staged src/app.js src/utils.js

    Alternative Using git reset:

    git reset src/app.js src/utils.js
  3. Discard Changes in the Working Directory (If Desired):

    If you also want to discard the actual changes in the working directory after unstaging:

    git restore src/app.js src/utils.js

    Or, using git checkout:

    git checkout -- src/app.js src/utils.js
  4. Confirm Restoration:

    git status

    Sample Output:

    On branch main
    nothing to commit, working tree clean


  • Partial Unstaging: You can choose to unstage some files while keeping others staged by specifying only the desired files.

  • Safety: Unstaging does not discard changes. Only removes them from the staging area. To discard, follow the additional step to restore the working directory.

Scenario 3: Discarding All Local Changes (Staged and Unstaged)

Objective: Revert the entire working directory to match the last commit, discarding all local modifications, whether staged or unstaged.


  1. Check the Status of Your Repository:

    git status

    Sample Output:

    On branch main
    Changes to be committed:
      (use "git restore --staged <file>..." to unstage)
            modified:   src/app.js
    Changes not staged for commit:
      (use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed)
      (use "git restore <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)
            modified:   src/utils.js
  2. Reset the Repository to the Last Commit:

    Use git reset --hard to reset both the staging area and the working directory to the last commit.

    git reset --hard

    Alternatively, Specify a Commit:

    To reset to a specific commit (e.g., HEAD):

    git reset --hard HEAD
  3. Clean Untracked Files and Directories (Optional):

    If you also want to remove untracked files and directories:

    git clean -fd
    • -f: Force the clean operation.
    • -d: Remove untracked directories in addition to untracked files.

    Note: Use git clean -fdn for a dry run to see what would be removed without actually deleting anything.

  4. Confirm Restoration:

    git status

    Sample Output:

    On branch main
    nothing to commit, working tree clean


  • Irreversible Action: git reset --hard permanently discards all local changes that haven't been committed. Ensure that you do not need these changes before executing the command.

  • Untracked Files: git clean removes files not tracked by Git. Use git clean -fdn to preview deletions before applying.

  • Safety Tip: Consider creating a backup branch or stashing changes if you might need them later.

Scenario 4: Reverting to a Specific Commit

Objective: Reset your repository to a particular commit, discarding all changes made after that commit.


  1. Identify the Target Commit:

    Use git log to find the commit hash you want to revert to.

    git log --oneline

    Sample Output:

    e83c516 Implement feature X
    a1b2c3d Fix bug Y
    d7e8f9g Update
    • Choose the commit hash (e.g., a1b2c3d) you want to revert to.
  2. Reset the Repository to the Target Commit:

    Use git reset --hard with the specific commit hash.

    git reset --hard a1b2c3d
  3. Force Push to Remote (If Necessary):

    If you have already pushed commits to a remote repository and need to align it with your local repository, you'll need to force push.

    ⚠️ Warning: Force pushing rewrites the history on the remote repository and can affect collaborators. Ensure that you coordinate with your team before performing this action.

    git push --force
  4. Confirm Restoration:

    git log --oneline

    Sample Output:

    a1b2c3d Fix bug Y
    d7e8f9g Update


  • Use with Caution: Resetting to a previous commit and force pushing can disrupt the work of other collaborators. Prefer this method only when you are certain that it's safe to overwrite the remote history.

  • Alternative - Creating a New Commit that Reverts Changes:

    Instead of resetting, you can create a new commit that undoes changes introduced by specific commits using git revert.

    git revert <commit-hash>

    This method preserves the commit history and is safer for shared repositories.

Scenario 5: Cleaning Untracked Files and Directories

Objective: Remove files and directories that are not tracked by Git, effectively cleaning your working directory.


  1. Preview What Will Be Removed:

    Before deleting untracked files, perform a dry run to see what would be removed.

    git clean -fdn

    Sample Output:

    Would remove src/temp/
    Would remove debug.log
  2. Remove Untracked Files and Directories:

    Once you've confirmed the files to be removed, execute the clean command.

    git clean -fd
  3. Remove Ignored Files (Optional):

    To also remove files ignored by .gitignore:

    git clean -fdX
    • -X: Remove only ignored files.
    • -x: Remove ignored and non-ignored untracked files.
  4. Confirm Cleanup:

    git status

    Sample Output:

    On branch main
    nothing to commit, working tree clean


  • Irreversible Action: git clean -fd permanently deletes files and directories. Ensure that you do not need these files before executing the command.

  • Safety Tip: Always perform a dry run (git clean -fdn) to verify which files will be removed.

Best Practices

To ensure a safe and efficient process when reverting changes in Git, adhere to the following best practices:

  1. Backup Important Work:

    • Before performing destructive operations like git reset --hard or git clean, consider backing up your repository or specific files.
    git branch backup-branch
  2. Use Branches to Experiment:

    • Create a new branch to test revert operations without affecting the main branches.
    git checkout -b temp-branch
  3. Understand the Commands:

    • Familiarize yourself with Git commands and their implications to avoid unintended consequences.
  4. Communicate with Your Team:

    • If working in a collaborative environment, inform team members before rewriting history or performing major resets.
  5. Utilize Git Stash for Temporary Changes:

    • If you might need your changes later, use git stash to save them temporarily instead of discarding.
    git stash push -m "Temporary changes before reset"
  6. Review Changes Before Discarding:

    • Always inspect the changes you intend to discard to ensure that no valuable work is lost.
    git diff git diff --staged
  7. Leverage Git GUI Tools:

    • Use GUI applications like GitKraken, SourceTree, or GitHub Desktop for visual assistance in managing and reverting changes.

Example Scenario

Objective: Revert all local changes (staged and unstaged) in a repository and clean untracked files, returning the repository to the exact state of the last commit.


  1. Check the Current Status:

    git status

    Sample Output:

    On branch main
    Changes to be committed:
      (use "git restore --staged <file>..." to unstage)
            modified:   src/app.js
    Changes not staged for commit:
      (use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed)
      (use "git restore <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)
            modified:   src/utils.js
    Untracked files:
      (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)
  2. Discard All Staged and Unstaged Changes:

    git reset --hard


    • All modifications to tracked files are discarded.
    • The master branch is reset to the latest commit.
  3. Clean Untracked Files and Directories:

    • Preview What Will Be Removed:

      git clean -fdn

      Sample Output:

      Would remove src/temp/
      Would remove debug.log
    • Execute the Clean Operation:

      git clean -fd
  4. Confirm the Repository is Clean:

    git status

    Sample Output:

    On branch main
    nothing to commit, working tree clean


  • All local changes, both staged and unstaged, are discarded.
  • Untracked files and directories are removed.
  • The repository is reverted to the exact state of the last commit.


  • Data Loss: This operation permanently deletes all local changes and untracked files. Ensure that you do not need these changes before proceeding.

  • Irreversible Action: Once executed, you cannot recover the discarded changes unless you have backups or stashed them previously.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

Issue 1: Accidental Discard of Important Changes


  • You mistakenly discarded changes that you intended to keep.


  1. Check Git Stash:

    If you used git stash before discarding, retrieve your changes.

    git stash list git stash apply stash@{0}
  2. Inspect Reflog:

    Git's reflog records updates to HEAD. You might recover lost commits if they were part of previous commits.

    git reflog
    • Identify the commit hash before the discard.

    • Reset to that commit (use cautiously):

      git reset --hard <commit-hash>
  3. Use File Recovery Tools:

    If changes were in untracked files and git clean was used, consider using file recovery software. However, success is not guaranteed.

Issue 2: git reset --hard Not Reverting All Changes


  • Some changes remain after executing git reset --hard.


  1. Ensure No Untracked Files Remain:

    git status
    • Untracked files require git clean to be removed.
  2. Check for Ignored Files:

    Ignored files won't be removed by git clean unless specified.

    • Remove ignored files:

      git clean -fdX
  3. Verify Branch and Commit:

    Ensure you are on the correct branch and resetting to the intended commit.

    git branch git log --oneline

Issue 3: Reverting Changes in a Subdirectory


  • Attempting to revert changes only affects files outside a specific subdirectory.


  1. Specify the Path in the Restore Command:

    git restore path/to/subdirectory/
  2. Combine with Reset if Necessary:

    • Unstage and discard changes in the subdirectory.

      git reset --hard HEAD path/to/subdirectory/ git clean -fd path/to/subdirectory/

Additional Resources


Reverting all local changes in a Git-managed project to a previous state is a powerful operation that, when performed correctly, can help maintain a clean and stable codebase. By understanding the different scenarios and utilizing the appropriate Git commands—such as git restore, git reset, and git clean—you can effectively manage and undo changes in your repository.

Key Takeaways:

  • Assess Before Action: Always review the changes you intend to discard to prevent accidental loss of important work.

  • Use the Right Commands: Different scenarios require different Git commands. Ensure you're using the most appropriate one for your situation.

  • Backup and Branching: Create backups or use separate branches to safeguard against unintended data loss.

  • Leverage Git Tools: Utilize Git's built-in tools and commands effectively, and consider using GUI tools for enhanced visualization and management.

  • Stay Informed: Continuously educate yourself about Git's features and best practices to handle repository management tasks confidently and securely.

By adhering to these practices and leveraging Git's robust features, you can maintain a healthy and efficient development workflow, ensuring that your projects remain organized and resilient against common issues related to local changes and repository states.

Stay Git-savvy and happy coding! 🚀

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