How do I resolve merge conflicts in a Git repository?

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Resolving merge conflicts in Git is an essential skill for maintaining a smooth and efficient workflow, especially when collaborating with others. Merge conflicts occur when Git cannot automatically reconcile differences between two commits, typically during operations like git merge, git rebase, or git cherry-pick. Understanding how to effectively identify and resolve these conflicts ensures that your project's history remains clean and that your codebase remains stable.

This comprehensive guide will walk you through the process of resolving merge conflicts in a Git repository, including:

  1. Understanding Merge Conflicts
  2. Identifying Merge Conflicts
  3. Resolving Conflicts Manually
  4. Using Git’s Built-in Merge Tools
  5. Best Practices for Preventing Merge Conflicts
  6. Example Scenarios
  7. Troubleshooting Common Issues
  8. Additional Resources

Table of Contents

  1. Understanding Merge Conflicts
  2. Identifying Merge Conflicts
  3. Resolving Conflicts Manually
  4. Using Git’s Built-in Merge Tools
  5. Best Practices for Preventing Merge Conflicts
  6. Example Scenarios
  7. Troubleshooting Common Issues
  8. Additional Resources

Understanding Merge Conflicts

What is a Merge Conflict?

A merge conflict occurs when Git encounters differing changes in the same part of a file across two branches being merged. Since Git cannot determine which change to keep, it halts the merge process and requires manual intervention to resolve the discrepancies.

Common Causes of Merge Conflicts

  • Concurrent Edits: Multiple collaborators editing the same lines in a file.
  • File Deletions: One branch deletes a file that another branch has modified.
  • Renaming Issues: Simultaneous renaming of a file in different branches.
  • Binary Files: Conflicts in non-text files like images or compiled binaries.

Identifying Merge Conflicts

When a merge conflict occurs, Git will notify you during the merge process. Here's how to identify and assess these conflicts.

1. Initiate the Merge Operation

Attempting to merge two branches will trigger the conflict if Git detects incompatible changes.

git checkout feature-branch git merge main

2. Git Notification

If there are conflicts, Git will output a message similar to:

Auto-merging src/app.js
CONFLICT (content): Merge conflict in src/app.js
Automatic merge failed; fix conflicts and then commit the result.

3. Check Git Status

Use git status to see which files are in conflict.

git status

Example Output:

On branch feature-branch
You have unmerged paths.
  (fix conflicts and run "git commit")
  (use "git merge --abort" to abort the merge)

Unmerged paths:
  both modified:   src/app.js
  both added:

no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a")

Key Indicators:

  • Unmerged Paths: Lists files with conflicts.
  • Markers like both modified: Indicates the type of conflict.

Resolving Conflicts Manually

Manually resolving conflicts involves editing the conflicting files to decide which changes to keep.

1. Open Conflicted Files

Use your preferred text editor or IDE to open each file listed under "Unmerged paths."

vim src/app.js

2. Locate Conflict Markers

Git uses specific markers to indicate conflicting sections within a file.

<<<<<<< HEAD // Code from the current branch (e.g., feature-branch) function authenticateUser() { // Implementation A } ======= /* Code from the branch being merged (e.g., main) */ function authenticateUser() { // Implementation B } >>>>>>> main

Markers Explained:

  • <<<<<<< HEAD: Start of changes from the current branch.
  • =======: Separator between conflicting changes.
  • >>>>>>> main: End of changes from the branch being merged.

3. Resolve the Conflict

Decide which changes to keep or how to combine them.


  • Keep Current Branch’s Changes: Remove the incoming changes.
  • Keep Incoming Branch’s Changes: Remove the current branch’s changes.
  • Combine Changes: Integrate both changes in a coherent manner.

Example Resolution:

// Combined implementation function authenticateUser() { // Implementation A // Additional features from main }

4. Remove Conflict Markers

After resolving, ensure all conflict markers (<<<<<<<, =======, >>>>>>>) are removed from the file.

5. Stage the Resolved Files

Once conflicts are resolved in a file, stage it to mark as resolved.

git add src/app.js git add

6. Finalize the Merge

After all conflicts are resolved and staged, commit the merge.

git commit -m "Resolved merge conflicts between feature-branch and main"

Using Git’s Built-in Merge Tools

Git offers built-in tools and integrations with external merge tools to facilitate conflict resolution.

1. Configure a Merge Tool

Git can integrate with various merge tools like Meld, KDiff3, Beyond Compare, or Visual Studio Code.

Example: Setting Meld as the Merge Tool

git config --global merge.tool meld git config --global mergetool.meld.path "/usr/bin/meld"

2. Launch the Merge Tool

After encountering conflicts, launch the merge tool to resolve them visually.

git mergetool

3. Follow the Merge Tool Interface

Use the graphical interface to compare and merge changes, then save the resolved file.

4. Stage and Commit

After resolving conflicts using the merge tool, stage and commit as usual.

git add src/app.js git commit -m "Resolved merge conflicts using Meld"

Note: Some merge tools automatically stage the resolved files.

Best Practices for Preventing Merge Conflicts

While merge conflicts are sometimes unavoidable, adhering to certain practices can minimize their occurrence and complexity.

1. Communicate with Your Team

  • Regular Updates: Inform team members about significant changes.
  • Define Responsibilities: Assign specific areas of the codebase to avoid overlapping work.

2. Pull Frequently

  • Stay Updated: Regularly pull changes from the main branch to reduce divergence.
git checkout main git pull origin main git checkout feature-branch git merge main

3. Use Feature Branches

  • Isolate Work: Develop features in separate branches to minimize conflicts with the main branch.

4. Keep Commits Small and Focused

  • Simplify History: Smaller commits are easier to review and merge, reducing the likelihood of conflicts.

5. Rebase Instead of Merge (When Appropriate)

  • Maintain Linear History: Rebasing can help integrate changes from the main branch more cleanly.
git checkout feature-branch git rebase main

Caution: Avoid rebasing shared branches as it rewrites commit history.

Example Scenarios

Scenario 1: Resolving a Conflict in a Single File

Objective: Resolve a conflict in src/app.js after merging main into feature-branch.


  1. Attempt the Merge:

    git checkout feature-branch git merge main
  2. Detect Conflict:

    Git reports a conflict in src/app.js.

  3. Open and Resolve the Conflict:

    vim src/app.js
    • Locate conflict markers.
    • Decide which changes to keep or how to integrate them.
    • Remove conflict markers.
  4. Stage and Commit:

    git add src/app.js git commit -m "Resolved merge conflict in src/app.js"

Scenario 2: Using a Merge Tool to Resolve Multiple Conflicts

Objective: Resolve conflicts in multiple files using Visual Studio Code as the merge tool.


  1. Configure VS Code as the Merge Tool:

    git config --global merge.tool vscode git config --global mergetool.vscode.cmd "code --wait $MERGED"
  2. Initiate the Merge and Detect Conflicts:

    git checkout feature-branch git merge main
  3. Launch the Merge Tool:

    git mergetool
  4. Use VS Code Interface to Resolve Each Conflict:

    • Accept incoming changes, current changes, or manually edit.
    • Save the resolved files.
  5. Finalize the Merge:

    git commit -m "Resolved merge conflicts using VS Code"

Troubleshooting Common Issues

Issue 1: Merge Conflicts Persist After Resolution

Symptom: After resolving conflicts and committing, Git still reports conflicts.


  1. Ensure All Conflict Markers are Removed:

    • Re-open conflicted files to verify no conflict markers remain.
  2. Stage All Resolved Files:

    git add <file-path>
  3. Commit the Merge:

    git commit -m "Resolved remaining merge conflicts"

Issue 2: Unable to Commit After Resolving Conflicts

Symptom: After resolving conflicts, attempting to commit results in errors.


  1. Check Git Status:

    git status
  2. Ensure All Conflicts Are Resolved and Files Are Staged:

    • Any remaining conflicted files must be fully resolved and staged.
  3. Finalize the Commit:

    git commit

Issue 3: Merge Conflicts During Rebase

Symptom: Conflicts arise during a git rebase operation.


  1. Resolve Conflicts Manually or Using a Merge Tool.

  2. Stage Resolved Files:

    git add <file-path>
  3. Continue the Rebase:

    git rebase --continue
  4. Abort the Rebase (If Necessary):

    git rebase --abort

Issue 4: Conflicts in Binary Files

Symptom: Merge conflicts occur in non-text (binary) files, making manual resolution impossible.


  1. Choose Which Version to Keep:

    • Decide whether to keep the current branch's version or the incoming branch's version.
  2. Use git checkout to Select the Desired Version:

    git checkout --ours <binary-file> # or git checkout --theirs <binary-file>
  3. Stage and Commit:

    git add <binary-file> git commit -m "Resolved binary file conflict by choosing [ours/theirs] version"

Note: For complex binary file merges, consider using specialized tools or workflows.

Additional Resources


Resolving merge conflicts is an integral part of working with Git, particularly in collaborative environments. By understanding the nature of merge conflicts, utilizing Git's tools and commands effectively, and adhering to best practices, you can navigate and resolve conflicts with confidence and efficiency.

Key Takeaways:

  • Stay Informed: Regularly communicate with your team and stay updated with changes to minimize the likelihood of conflicts.

  • Use Tools Wisely: Leverage both Git's built-in tools and external merge tools to simplify the resolution process.

  • Commit Strategically: Make small, focused commits and pull changes frequently to reduce the complexity of merges.

  • Backup Before Major Operations: Consider creating backup branches or stashing changes before performing operations that rewrite history.

By integrating these strategies into your Git workflow, you can maintain a clean and manageable project history, facilitating smoother collaborations and more effective version control.

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