Can I complete DSA in 10 days?

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Completing Data Structures and Algorithms (DSA) in 10 days is quite ambitious, especially if you aim for a deep understanding. However, if your goal is to cover the basics and get familiar with key concepts for a coding interview or quick review, it’s possible to make substantial progress in 10 days with an intense, focused study plan. Here's how you can maximize your learning in that timeframe:

10-Day Intensive Plan for DSA

Day 1: Arrays and Strings

  • Concepts: Learn basic array operations (insertion, deletion, traversal), common string manipulations (reversal, substring, concatenation).
  • Practice: Problems on finding the maximum, reversing arrays, checking for anagrams, and palindrome strings.
  • Key Patterns: Sliding Window, Two Pointers.

Day 2: Linked Lists

  • Concepts: Singly and doubly linked lists, traversal, insertion, deletion, reversing a linked list.
  • Practice: Implement a linked list, detect cycles using Floyd’s Cycle Detection algorithm, reverse a linked list, and merge two sorted linked lists.

Day 3: Stacks and Queues

  • Concepts: Learn about stack (LIFO) and queue (FIFO), and their applications in problems.
  • Practice: Implement a stack and queue from scratch, solve problems like balancing parentheses, and evaluate expressions using stacks.

Day 4: Hash Maps and Hash Sets

  • Concepts: Understand hash tables for efficient lookups (O(1)), handling collisions, using dictionaries or sets.
  • Practice: Solve problems like two-sum, finding duplicates in an array, and checking for unique characters in a string.

Day 5: Sorting and Searching Algorithms

  • Concepts: Learn basic sorting algorithms (Bubble Sort, Insertion Sort), and more efficient ones like Merge Sort and Quick Sort. Understand Binary Search.
  • Practice: Sort arrays using Quick Sort and Merge Sort, find the k-th largest element, and implement binary search.

Day 6: Recursion and Backtracking

  • Concepts: Learn how to solve problems recursively and how backtracking can be used for solving constraint-based problems.
  • Practice: Solve problems like generating all subsets, permutations, and the N-Queens problem.

Day 7: Trees

  • Concepts: Focus on binary trees, binary search trees (BST), and tree traversal methods (in-order, pre-order, post-order).
  • Practice: Implement a binary tree, solve problems like finding the height of a tree, checking if a tree is balanced, and finding the lowest common ancestor.

Day 8: Heaps and Priority Queues

  • Concepts: Learn about min-heaps and max-heaps, and how they are used in priority queues.
  • Practice: Implement a heap, solve problems like finding the k largest elements, and merge k sorted arrays using a heap.

Day 9: Graph Algorithms

  • Concepts: Study graph representations (adjacency list, adjacency matrix), and traversal algorithms (BFS, DFS).
  • Practice: Solve problems on connected components, shortest path using BFS, and cycle detection in graphs.

Day 10: Dynamic Programming (DP)

  • Concepts: Learn the fundamentals of dynamic programming, including memoization (top-down) and tabulation (bottom-up).
  • Practice: Solve classic DP problems like the Fibonacci sequence, knapsack problem, longest common subsequence, and coin change.

Key Tips for Success in 10 Days

  • Prioritize Understanding: Focus on understanding the key concepts and patterns behind each data structure and algorithm rather than memorizing solutions.
  • Practice Problems: Solve 5-10 problems a day to reinforce what you’ve learned. Platforms like LeetCode, HackerRank, or GeeksforGeeks can be extremely helpful.
  • Learn from Solutions: After attempting a problem, review optimal solutions to learn new techniques and better approaches.
  • Stay Consistent: Allocate at least 4-6 hours per day to study and practice during this intensive 10-day period.

Realistic Expectations

While you can cover the basics in 10 days, mastering DSA requires continuous practice over time. Use this 10-day plan as a crash course to get familiar with the key topics, but follow up with regular practice to strengthen your skills further.


Yes, you can complete the basics of DSA in 10 days if you stay focused and follow an intensive study plan. However, mastering DSA and gaining confidence in solving real-world problems will require more time and practice beyond this short period.

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