Building mental indexes of problem types for rapid recall

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One of the fastest ways to improve performance in coding interviews and real-world problem-solving is to develop a mental “index” of common problem categories and their typical solution approaches. Instead of starting each challenge from scratch, you quickly map the problem to a known type (like a sliding window, dynamic programming, or a BFS in graph) and recall the relevant patterns. This guide explores the rationale behind building such indexes, strategies to maintain them, and resources that can help you expand and refine your problem type repertoire.

1. Why Mental Indexes Matter

  1. Speed and Efficiency

    • Time is precious in coding interviews. Recognizing a problem type (e.g., “this is a subarray sum scenario”) shortens your analysis phase.
    • Real-world debugging or new feature design also benefit from quick pattern identification—no need to rediscover known solutions.
  2. Reduced Errors

    • Patterns typically come with well-known pitfalls and best practices. By leveraging them, you automatically avoid typical mistakes (like off-by-one or unhandled corner cases).
  3. Enhanced Confidence

    • Starting with a known approach reduces anxiety. You’ve used these patterns before, so you only adapt them rather than re-creating logic.
  4. Interview Impression

    • Interviewers often look for pattern-based thinking. Demonstrating how you quickly classify a problem type indicates deep familiarity and a methodical approach.

2. Key Strategies for Building a Problem Index

  1. Solve Problems by Category

    • Group coding questions (e.g., sliding window, DP, graph BFS/DFS, greedy) and practice them in clusters.
    • Note the unique constraints each category handles best (like large input arrays for sliding window, complex overlapping subproblems for DP, etc.).
  2. Maintain a Structured Reference

    • Use digital or physical notes. For each category, keep:
      • Definition: One-liner summarizing the pattern.
      • Common Problems: Typical examples (e.g., “max subarray sum,” “find subarray with target sum”).
      • Complexity: Typical time/space complexities.
      • Key Edge Cases: E.g., negative numbers for subarray sums, cycles in graphs.
  3. Link Constraints to Patterns

    • If you see large (N), check if you need an (O(n)) or (O(n \log n)) pattern.
    • If multiple states or overlapping subproblems appear, recall DP. If it’s about pathfinding in graphs, BFS/DFS, Dijkstra, or A* might come to mind.
  4. Refine with Practice

    • Each new problem you solve: label it with one or two major categories (or subcategories).
    • Over time, you accumulate real examples that reaffirm each pattern’s range of applicability.
  5. Iterate & Update

    • If you encounter a tricky variation, add a note about how it deviates from the “standard.”
    • This evolves your index from just a pattern list to a deeper library of real-life examples and pitfalls.

3. Practical Examples and Categorization

  1. Sliding Window

    • Use Cases: Subarray sums or maximum/minimum subarray; problems with continuous segments of the array.
    • Key Variation: Fixed window size vs. variable window size.
    • Typical Complexity: (O(n)), as you move start/end pointers once each.
  2. Two Pointers

    • Use Cases: Sorted arrays, removing duplicates, or partitioning tasks.
    • Key Variation: Searching for pairs with sum = target, or rearranging arrays in place (negatives vs. positives).
    • Typical Complexity: (O(n)).
  3. Dynamic Programming (DP)

    • Use Cases: Overlapping subproblems (Fibonacci, knapsack, coin change, edit distance).
    • Key Variation: Bottom-up tabulation vs. top-down memoization.
    • Typical Complexity: Ranges from (O(n)) to (O(n^3)) depending on dimension of subproblems.
  4. Graph Traversals (BFS/DFS)

    • Use Cases: Shortest path in unweighted graphs (BFS), connected components, cycle detection, topological sort (DFS).
    • Key Variation: Weighted graphs might need Dijkstra or Bellman-Ford.
    • Typical Complexity: BFS/DFS typically (O(V + E)).
  5. Greedy Approaches

    • Use Cases: Interval scheduling, fractional knapsack, certain graph problems (Prim’s or Kruskal’s MST).
    • Key Variation: Where local optimum choices lead to global optimum.
    • Typical Complexity: Often (O(n \log n)) due to sorting or priority queues.
  6. Backtracking / Search

    • Use Cases: Generating permutations, subsets, solving N-queens or Sudoku.
    • Key Variation: Pruning logic to avoid full exponential blowup.
    • Typical Complexity: Exponential in worst case; partial pruning can help in practice.

4. Leveraging the Index in Interviews

  1. Identify Category Quickly

    • Within the first minute of reading a problem, mentally test if it fits any known pattern (sliding window, BFS, DP).
    • State your reasoning aloud: “This looks like a classic BFS with a slight twist...”
  2. Map Constraints to Complexity

    • If the input size is huge, an (O(n^2)) solution might be infeasible. Let your index guide you to a pattern that typically yields (O(n)) or (O(n \log n)).
  3. Communicate Step-by-Step

    • Once you pick a pattern, outline how you’ll adapt it. For instance, “We’ll use the BFS template but track visited states differently due to X constraint.”
  4. Mention Potential Alternatives

    • If you have time, show you considered another approach from your mental index but found it suboptimal given the constraints.
    • This demonstrates thorough thinking and helps validate your final approach.

  1. Grokking the Coding Interview: Patterns for Coding Questions

    • Organized around major patterns (sliding window, two pointers, BFS, DFS, etc.).
    • Perfect for building your mental index with structured examples.
  2. Grokking Advanced Coding Patterns for Interviews

    • Extends basic patterns to more complex scenarios, reinforcing how each category can handle advanced or twisted problem statements.
    • Helps you handle complex subcategories (like multi-dimensional DP or advanced graph techniques).
  3. Mock Interviews

    • Coding Mock Interviews to train your recall under pressure.
    • Real-time feedback ensures you quickly identify the correct pattern or approach from your mental index.
  4. DesignGurus YouTube

    • DesignGurus YouTube Channel offers coding sessions where experts identify patterns quickly.
    • Observe how they classify a problem, then proceed with a known approach.


Building mental indexes of problem types—whether they’re sliding window, BFS, greedy, or advanced patterns—lets you skip the guesswork and jump straight to known, reliable solutions. This skill is invaluable in coding interviews (where time is short) and production environments (where correctness and speed matter).

By systematically practicing patterns, noting each variant’s complexities and edge cases, you’ll keep a mental library ready for rapid recall. Combine this approach with consistent practice from Grokking the Coding Interview or Mock Interviews for real-time feedback, and you’ll watch your problem-solving speed and clarity soar.

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