Advanced coding interview problems explained step-by-step

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Advanced Coding Interview Problems Explained Step-by-Step

Tackling advanced coding interview problems often requires a blend of pattern recognition, algorithmic insight, and careful reasoning about complexity and edge cases. Below, we’ll walk through a challenging, commonly asked advanced problem—the “Alien Dictionary”—step-by-step. This problem is a great example because it involves graph construction, topological sorting, and careful handling of edge cases, all of which are typical in advanced coding interviews.

Example Problem: The "Alien Dictionary" Problem

The Problem Statement:

We are given a sorted list of words from an alien language. The order of the characters in the alien language is unknown. We need to derive the order of the letters in this alien alphabet based on the given sorted dictionary. If there is no valid alphabet order that can produce the given words, return an empty string. If multiple orders are possible, any valid order is acceptable.

Input Example:

words = ["wrt", "wrf", "er", "ett", "rftt"]

We know these words are sorted according to the rules of an unknown alphabet. From these words, we must infer the order of letters.

Step-by-Step Reasoning and Solution Approach

Step 1: Identify the Core Pattern / Concept

The crux of the Alien Dictionary problem is to figure out the relative ordering of characters. This is essentially a topological sorting problem on a directed graph where:

  • Each character represents a node.
  • If character A must come before B, we draw a directed edge A -> B.

Once we construct this graph, we perform a topological sort. If we can produce a valid topological ordering, that ordering represents the alien language’s character order.

Key Patterns:

  • Graph construction from pairwise comparisons of adjacent words.
  • Topological sort to find a linear order of nodes.
  • Detecting cycles to know if a valid ordering is impossible (if a cycle exists, no valid ordering exists).

Step 2: Extracting the Ordering Rules from the Input Words

Given words, we want to compare them pairwise:

  1. Compare words[i] and words[i+1] character by character.
  2. Find the first differing character between the two words.
  3. That differing character pair gives us an ordering rule: the character in the first word must come before the character in the second word.

Example with Our Input:

words = ["wrt", "wrf", "er", "ett", "rftt"]

- Compare "wrt" and "wrf":
  w = w (same, move on)
  r = r (same, move on)
  t vs f -> differ here, so t must come before f

- Compare "wrf" and "er":
  w vs e -> differ immediately, so w must come before e

- Compare "er" and "ett":
  e = e (same)
  r vs t -> differ, so r must come before t

- Compare "ett" and "rftt":
  e vs r -> differ, so e must come before r

From these comparisons, we get ordering rules:

  • t -> f
  • w -> e
  • r -> t
  • e -> r

Step 3: Constructing the Graph and In-Degree Array

We have edges from one character to another:

  • t -> f
  • w -> e
  • r -> t
  • e -> r

So the graph (in adjacency list form) might look like:

w: [e]
e: [r]
r: [t]
t: [f]
f: []

Also, build an in-degree array (or dictionary) that counts how many edges point into each node. This helps with topological sort:

  • w: in-degree 0 (no one points to w)
  • e: in-degree 1 (w -> e)
  • r: in-degree 1 (e -> r)
  • t: in-degree 1 (r -> t)
  • f: in-degree 1 (t -> f)

All characters involved: w, e, r, t, f
We must also consider all unique characters that appear in words even if they don’t appear in the ordering rules (they might be isolated nodes with in-degree 0).

Step 4: Topological Sorting

Use a queue to perform Kahn’s algorithm for topological sorting:

  1. Enqueue all characters with in-degree 0.
  2. Dequeue a character, append it to the result.
  3. Reduce in-degree of its neighbors by 1.
  4. If any neighbor’s in-degree hits 0, enqueue it.


  • Initial in-degree array:
    • w:0, e:1, r:1, t:1, f:1
  • Start with all in-degree 0 chars: w is the only one.


  • Dequeue w, result = "w"

  • w points to e. Decrement in-degree(e) from 1 to 0. Now e in-degree is 0, enqueue e.

  • Dequeue e, result = "we"

  • e points to r. Decrement in-degree(r) from 1 to 0, enqueue r.

  • Dequeue r, result = "wer"

  • r points to t. Decrement in-degree(t) from 1 to 0, enqueue t.

  • Dequeue t, result = "wert"

  • t points to f. Decrement in-degree(f) from 1 to 0, enqueue f.

  • Dequeue f, result = "wertf"

All nodes processed and we have the order: "wertf"

Check for cycles: If at the end, we’ve processed all characters and each had in-degree reduced to zero at some point, no cycle exists. If any node remains with a non-zero in-degree, we have a cycle and no valid ordering.

Step 5: Handle Edge Cases

Potential Edge Cases:

  1. No differences found between consecutive words:
    If the words are prefixes of each other and the shorter word comes after the longer word, it’s invalid. E.g., ["abc", "ab"] is invalid because "ab" should appear before "abc".
  2. Single word input:
    If only one word is given, any order for its characters is valid. Just return those characters in arbitrary order or in the order they appear.
  3. No valid ordering due to cycles:
    If topological sorting can’t process all characters (because of a cycle), return an empty string.

In Our Example:
No cycle is detected. The generated order "wertf" matches our constraints.

Complexity Analysis

  • Let N be the number of words and K be the maximum length of a single word.
  • Building the graph by comparing adjacent words takes O(N*K) in the worst case, because we compare characters of consecutive words.
  • Topological sort runs in O(V+E), where V is number of unique characters (at most 26 for lowercase English letters) and E is number of edges derived from comparisons. This is often negligible compared to N*K.
  • Overall complexity: O(N*K), which is efficient enough for typical interview constraints.

Final Answer for the Example

Given words = ["wrt", "wrf", "er", "ett", "rftt"], after the above steps, we get the order:


This order is consistent with all the given words.

General Tips for Advanced Problems:

  1. Recognize Patterns:
    The Alien Dictionary problem is essentially a topological sort in disguise. Identifying that you need a graph + topological sort pattern saves time.

  2. Systematic Approach:
    Always break down the problem into steps: identify constraints, build data structures, derive relationships (edges), and then apply the chosen algorithm (like topological sort).

  3. Iterative Refinement:
    If stuck, simplify the problem: consider fewer words or a simpler example to gain insight.

  4. Check Edge Cases Early:
    Consider empty input, single word, or words that contradict themselves to handle tricky corner cases.


By walking through this advanced example step-by-step, we demonstrated a systematic approach to solving complex coding interview problems. The key is to identify the underlying pattern (graph + topological sort), carefully build the solution (constructing graph and in-degree arrays), perform the algorithm (Kahn’s topological sort), and handle edge cases. This methodology applies broadly to many advanced problems—recognize the pattern, break the problem down, and solve it methodically.

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